Chapter 28

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"Tom stop," Zendaya giggled and Tom chuckled continuing to pepper light kisses on her neck.

He kissed down her neck and rested when he got to the crook of her neck.
"Tom..." She moaned.

Her and Tom were on his bed cuddled together under a heavy bunch of blankets. They were trying to catch up with lost times. It was like they were trying to get to know  each other again.


And there's been a knocking since 5 o'clock this morning.
"Maybe you should just get it," Zendaya sighed.

"No! What if it's my mother with a gun or something!?" he said paranoid snuggling into her neck.

"Thomas... Yo!" he looked up at her.

"Go get the door-"

"No! You're only here for a couple of days so we can just stay here. My brothers can come visit us with Tessa or something if you want to spend time with them too. You guys already met at the premiere, but now you're my girlfriend and that's different," he said trying to sit up, but the blankets were to heavy.

Zendaya giggled while watching her boyfriend struggle to sit up. Wow... Boyfriend. It felt so good to say that again.

Her phone started ringing again and she saw that this time it was her mother and not Darnell. They must be worried because she didn't come home. You see she was suppose to fly back home, but she didn't.

"Stop laughing at me and answer your phone," Tom said finally getting up.

"Fine," she tried to get up, but failed worse than Tom. He laughed at her and she flipped him of.

"Give me my phone," she whined and he gave her, her phone then left the room.

"Oh hey!" she heard Tom say then Hayley came running into the room.
"KC!" she jumped on the bed and layed next to Zendaya.

"Hey Hayley," Z said and Hayley smiled shyly.

"Hayley!" Sam came running into the room, "I told you not to run of!" she scolded.

"Sorry mommy," she said, but stayed next to Z.

"Morning Sam," Z said trying to sit up and Sam helped to move the blankets to make it easier.

"Morning jeez," Sam said then Tom came inside.

"I'm gonna go to my mom's be back in a few!" he said and then left.

"What are you doing here?" Zendaya asks confused playing with Hayley's hair.

"Honestly I just wanted to come check it you're alive," she said and Zendaya laughed.

"Sam..." Zendaya started softly.

"Yeah?" Sam asks looking at Zendaya.

"What happened between you and Tom?" Zendaya asks and Sam's face dropped. Something switched and the glowing girl that was before her just a second ago dissappeared just like that. Her eyes looked dark and she suddenly looked very vulnerable.

"Hayley baby here is my tablet how about you watch some TV," Sam said taking out her tablet and some headphones.

Hayley eagerly took the headphones and told her mom what she wanted to watched and the left the room.

"Okay... Uhm wow this is hard. Okay so Tom and I met in highschool. We were 14 and we decided that we were gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend,"she said with a Sam smile and Zendaya smiled at her sadly.

"Then he booked the Impossible and he was suddenly very busy. He had no more time for me and then he went in full blast. He only wanted to book jobs and I was the last thing on his mind. When we turned sixteen we started sleeping together. He left for a while and when he came back I was pregnant. I pretended the baby was his for a while until his mother found out about the truth and told him and almost killed me, "Sam chuckled while tears started to stream down her face.

" Z I am not proud of what I did I didn't even mean to get pregnant in the first place... My mom and dad kicked me out and I lived with my grandma. My aunt was a queen of prosthetic make up and she started to teach me and I started working for her. She payed for me to go on learning and I got my papers and now I'm hear and Hayley is okay. There is not a day that goes by where I'm not reminded of what I did, but it's okay I deserve it,"she said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"That why I wanted you guys to get back together. You make him so happy Zendaya and I just want him to be happy," she said and Zendaya could feel her own tears form.

Yes, what she did was wrong and awful, but she was young and stupid and she learnt her lesson. She was okay now and successful.

"Are you still close with the father?" Zendaya asks and Sam starts laughing bitterly.

"He's the one who keeps on reminding me of what a slut I am. How much I messed up Tom's life in the past. I mean it's not fair he has no right to make me feel dirty. He doesn't even look at Hayley," Sam said with fresh tears falling down her face.

"I can't get rid of him Zendaya. He's gonna be the death of me," Sam said dropping her head.

Zendaya hugged her and felt her sobs become wild. How long has she been keeping this in? Who is the father!?

"Sam... Who is the dad?" she asked.

"You're gonna hate me?" Sam said.

"I'm not," Zendaya said then Sam turned to face her and held out her pinky.

"Promise you won't tell anyone... I can't have this out in the streets as well. I hate the father, but his friendship with Tom is special and I won't be that heartless," Zendaya hooked her pinky with hers and nodded.


She whispers and Zendaya could feel the air get knocked out of her lungs. Harrison is Tom's best friend. His right hand man, the person Tom runs too when things get weird and he can't take it. That same best friend slept with Sam and has a child with her. Slept with Sam while she was still dating Tom!! This could break Tom!

"Please Zendaya..." Sam begged and Zendaya nodded.

"I won't tell," she said and Sam smiled.

They both stood up and Zendaya noticed the missed calls on her phone and rolled her eyes "they can wait" she thought and followed Sam and watched SpongeBob with Hayley.

"Hey ladies! What did I miss," Tom asked coming into the room.

"Nothing..." I said and he winked at me and I smile. Jip nothing... Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now