Chapter 36

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Sam starred down at an old box she never though she would even touch again in her life. She made this box to store memories and little gifts she wanted to keep. She found the box when she was messing about her old stuff and she never thought she would ever find it.

She opened the box and she was greeted with a small beautiful ring. It was a gift....from Harrison. He gave it to her within a month of their secret relationship after he told her he loved her. They were sure that once she ended it with Tom they were going to be together finally and maybe even get married, that was their promise to each other, but that didn't turn out to be the plan.

She looked through the rest of the box and she almost shed a tear. The box was filled with happy memories. Sam felt something wrap around her heart making it hard to breath. She tried to push the familiar heartache away, it was no use still feeling like this. Harrison hates her for something that was both their faults, but somehow it was just her.

She can't lie to herself that she didn't love him, but she can't keep hoping that he'll come around one day, she needs to move on. That means getting rid of this box.

Sam's grip on the box tightened as she walked closer to the rubbish bin and she turned around and went back to her room. This didn't need to go right at this moment. She could hold on to these memories for a little while longer.

Zendaya was laying on her floor almost passed out from exhaustion. On top of all of the stress there was Khalil still hiding around in her house.

If she had to tell her mom or dad about Khalil being back she's sure they'll blow up the whole entire house and Zendaya didn't want to be the cause of someone's death or anything.

She let out a frustrated groan.
"And what is with that sound?" Deja asks coming out of the bathroom.

Zendaya got up from her kitchen floor and sat at the counter.
"Just frustrated and hungry and mad," she said rummaging through her fridge. The fridge was packed with food and fruits and still it seemed like there was nothing to eat.

"Then punch something and eat something. Why don't you colour in something?" She suggests and Zendaya shakes her head.

"Nah none of that will work," Zendaya sighed then she saw Deja's eyes perk up then went back to normal. "What?"

Zendaya asks and Deja shakes her head "Oh nothing," she said sipping her glass of juice.

"I don't believe you..."

"Nothing just... When is Tom back in America?" She asks and Zendaya looks at her confused. What does Tom have to do with anything.

"He'll be here tonight why?" Zendaya said still not trusting the situation 100%

"Well I was thinking something in the line of romantic night. Sexy music and maybe a little bit of..." She wiggled her eyebrowse and Zendaya face palmed herself.

Of course she should've seen that one coming. Sex was apparently the answer to life's frustration... But if she's being honest it doesn't sound like such a bad idea...

No, she can't even think about kissing Tom because Khalil can be anywhere at any time.

"You are such a horndog when are you gonna get yourself a man?" She asks trying to turn the conversation to Deja.

Deja started blushing furiously and all thoughts about Khalil or Tom's life changing gadget went out of the window.
"Okay spill your guts right now!! Who is he, where does he live and what does he do for a living," she asks getting excited.

"Well it isn't exactly a he..."

Zendaya was frozen. Was Deja implying that she was seeing a girl. Deja was into girls? Since when was her best friend into girls?

Don't start thinking Zendaya is homophobic or anything, no. She is 100% an ally, but she it didn't even cross her mind that Deja could actually be into girls.

"Well then let me rephrase... Who is she," Zendaya said and Deja groaned.

"Oh my God! I swear to God Z if you tell my parents I will end you, but her name is Chloe..."

"That's a white name," Zendaya said and Deja laughed.

"You sound like a racist stop it," she said hitting Zendaya playfully, " if you must know everything then yeah she is white."

Zendaya smiled. Zendaya couldn't be a racist even if she tried. Her own mother is white, the love of her life is white and her bestest friend is white.
"Damn girl..." Zendaya said and they went on talking about this Chloe girl.

Zendaya learnt that Chloe was a very nice girl and she was also a dancer. Her phone started to buzz and she was surprised when she saw who was calling.

"Dej can you pick a movie for us I'll be right back," she said getting up walking to her room.

"Hey," she answered the phone.

"Hey Zendaya... Look I need to ask a huge favor from you," Harrison said. He knew he must sound very nervous on the phone right now. What he will be asking will sound so strange and random that he wasn't even sure that Zendaya would help, but it was Zendaya who he was talking to of course she was going to help.

"Uhh sure what's up," she asked sounding unsure.

"So I took a few days off and I wanted to come to America," he said.

"Oh okay that's cool did you want me to recommend you a hotel or something because I know about some great places that's really nice and the prices are-"

"No I already found a place... What I actually want is for you to help me with something. You see I want to talk to, to Sam, but we aren't on a good terms right now and... I want to apologize," he said trying not to sound to off.

He didn't want Zendaya suspect anything else, if she found out about him and Sam she would definitely tell Tom and that would ruin their friendship.

He wanted to talk to Sam because he wants to be apart of his daughters life. When he saw her that day it was something punched him in the gut. He was missing out on the best thing that's ever happened to him.

"You wanna, talk to... Sam?" Zendaya said. She had to help get Sam to talk to Harrison.... Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Uh sure look dude I need to get going," she said.

"Okay, thanks again Z you don't know how much this means to me," he said and Zendaya ended the call.

"Hey Zendaya come on the movie is starting," Deja yelled and Zendaya could hear her heart beat in her ears.

Her phone buzzed again and this time is was Khalil.

You're best friend is so hot, if only she wasn't a dyke. Anyways hurry up we're watching Clueless

Zendaya rolled her eyes.
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