Chapter 26

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Zendaya was back in her hotel room. Her interviews was tiring and Zac was irretating and Tom was far away and she was moody.

She was getting tired of not being able to call him or text him without things getting weird and awkward. She wanted to send him weird snaps and she wanted to get weird snaps back.

She looked out of the window. The sun was shining and the people looked like ants from up here, but for some freak reason she can make out all the couples.

They were walking around without a care in the world. Laughing, smiling... Kissing.

She closed the curtains and looked at her suit case. She has money thanks to working hard and she never does crazy things so why not.

She called for a rental car to take her to the airport.
"Who do I..." She quickly took out her phone.

"Hello?" the person said and Zendaya wanted to kick herself. Why did she call this person!?

"Sam? It's me... Zendaya," she said.

"Oh hey..." Sam felt her blood run cold. The last thing she wanted was to make an enemy of Zendaya.

"I'm flying to England. I know Tom is there for his time off," she said.

"Yeah Tom is there with his parents," Sam said.

"I also know you live in England," Zendaya said.

"I do... Wait what is you plan?" Sam asked not following.

"I need someone to pick me up. Harrison and I are... We're fine, but I really don't want to ask him so I'm asking you if you would pick me up from the airport," Zendaya said picking up her suitcase with one hand and moved out of her hotel room.

Sam wanted to jump up and down from happiness. Their getting back together! Their gonna be together after tonight!!
"Yes of course I'll come get you! Are you almost here or something?"

"No no I'll be on my way to the airport soon," she said.

"Okay so you'll be here sometime tonight... Do you want to go to Tom's immediately?" She asked and Zendaya froze.

She have not thought that far.
"Yes, otherwise I'll chicken out," she said and her and Sam bid their goodbyes.

When Zendaya got to the airport she booked a private jet. She had to get there as soon as possible and she really wanted to fly alone. That's sounds so rude and spoiled, but she just wanted to be alone.

The jet was gorgeous. She plugged her phone into a charger and turned it of. She'll turn it on later, but for now she just wanted to sleep.

She woke up with a thud and she heard the pilot telling her they landed. She slept through the whole flight.

Shit Sam!! Zendaya picked up her backpack and she went out and got her luggage. She decided to call Sam.
"Hey Z I'm here," she said when she answered the phone.

"Thank goodness I thought I was stranded," Zendaya said then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey," Sam said and Zendaya remembered seeing her for the first time.

She walked into Tom's trailer and she was there trying to get him back. The girl then and the girl now looks like two different people.

"Let's go," Sam said with a huge welcoming smile. She took Zendaya's bag and they walked out of the airport. Of course you can't always get what you want, she was noticed by a a lot of people, but that's okay it was gonna happen anyway.

Zendaya and Sam got to her car and Sam placed her bags in the trunk and they got in the car. Sam was in the driver's seat and Zendaya was in the passenger seat.

"Mom!" Zendaya whipped around in her seat and got face to face with a little girl sitting in the back seat.

"Sorry I forgot to mention... This is my daughte tell her your name sweety," Sam said starting the car.

The little girl peaked out from under her fluffy blanket where she was hiding. She looked at Zendaya and gasped.

"Mama it's KC," Zendaya smiled.

"Hello baby," she says and the little girl giggles taking out a iPad showing Zendaya that's she's watching KC Undercover.

"I'm Hayley," she says.

Zendaya and Hayley spoke the whole ride through. Sam had to stop so that Zendaya could climb out and go sit at the back with Hayley.

Paddy looked down at his phone. He didn't want to freak Tom out it could mean nothing or it could mean a lot.
"Hey Paddy mum is calling you," Tom said peaking into his room and Paddy quickly stuffs his phone in his pocket but Tom already saw the quick movements.

Paddy didn't mean to find out about his brother's relationship, but he did overhear Tom talking to Harrison about his breakup with Zendaya.
"Zendaya is here!" he blurted out.


"I didn't mean to find out that you were dating her, but I did and now she's here in London what if she shows up here?" Paddy said worried.

He's not worried that Tom and Z might get back together, he is worried that their mom might strangle Zendaya with her own two hands.

Paddy noticed the sadness in his brothers eyes and if having Zendaya here would fix it then he's all fine and he loves her, they met at the Spider-Man premiere.

"I don't... Are you sure she's in London?" Tom said worried.

Sam came to a halt in front of a beautiful house. If looked so homey... It was Tom's home.

"There you go... I think I should call Tom to come out first though..." Sam said and Zendaya frowned.


"Tom's mom is very protective over her sons expecially Tom... And she doesn't know about you," Sam said and Zendaya nodded.

Sam took out her phone and dialed Tom's number.
"Hey Tom," she said.

"Zendaya is in London Sam what do I do?" Tom said in a panic.

"Come outside," Sam simply said and the line went silent on the other side.

"You didn't Sam," he said.

"Come get your girl," Sam said hanging up and turn to Zendaya.

"Get out of my car and go get your man," Sam said and Zendaya got out of the car.

"Go Daya!" Hayley cheered clapping her hands. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now