Chapter 40

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(Please read the author's note at the end)

Zendaya was sitting on her couch staring into space. After that whole thing with her stalker it was safe to say she was not the same again. So much so that her and Tom grew apart in the months that passed and she decided to end things with him. In some weird way they both found that to be the best for the both of them. At some point they migh rehash the flame that died between them, but for the meantime they were both okay with being single.

Did she wish that things were different and that her state of mind didn't cost her, her relationship? Yes.

She laughed at Hunter dancing around like a weirdo. She's been one of the only other few people keeping Zendaya afloat. Her and Hunter met a while ago, but they only got close somewhat recently since they've been in each other's presence so much shooting Euphoria. Zendaya was so excited to be working on this show. She loved everything about it and she also kind of like the idea of completely breaking away from that mold of innocence that has been surrounding her for so long. She was ready to be a force to be reconned with just like the world has always saw her to be. Euphoria is gonna be different in the best way and she can't wait to show it to the world and to challenge herself as a person and an actress.

"Z..." she heard and that snapped her out of her thoughts. 
Hunter stood infront of her smiling and  Zendaya smiled back. She actually had no idea why her friend was smiling, but the smile alone was enough to make her smile right back. Whatever is going to happen from now on is going to be beautiful Zendaya was ready for it. She was ready for the new challenges and friendships that are going to be formed and just maybe that would lead her back to Tom. 

Sam packed the last of her boxes and stood in the middle of the room. The empty space made her feel calm for some reason and she smile. She got a new job recently and that meant that she has to move away to London. Explaining that to Jacob wasn't very hard, he threw a party for her to celebrate this achievement her daughter on the other hand is a different story. She wasn't too happy with the idea, but the thought of moving to London also wasn't to bad for her. Sam and Jacob explained to her nicely everything that was going to happen and what will change and she was more okay with everything. 

After Sam and Jacob had that talk about everything it was like things just got better. Her thoughts about Haz came and then left her mind for good and she was greatful because yes Haz have started to prove himself as a father, but their chapter is over and she was so okay with that.

"Do you have everything?" Jacob asked coming into the room Sam just finished cleaning.

"Yes, I am just about done," she said taping the box shut and she turned to Jacob who was picking up a box to start loading them into the big truck.

She has no idea what the future holds, but she knew that she wanted to be with Jacob and no one else.


Hey guys so I know that this is kind of very lame and I am so sorry, but I truly just don't see myself going on with this story. I am all kind of burned out and I just don't have it in me to continue this story. I am not the type of person who normally just bails and never atleast attempt to finish so this was my lame attempt to finish what I started. It's a very washed down, rushed and open as hell endning to this story, but I wanted to atleast leave everything on a neutral note. I have no idea why I broke up Tom and Zendaya I just felt like I had to and I wanted Sam to have some what of a happy ending.

Thank for all you patience and support throughout all of this. Even the support I got when I ghosted for such a long ass time. Reading comments always made me feel so happy I can't really explain it. It's like some days I feel like shit and then I'd read a funny comment or I just see someone voted and I feel like less shit.  

My dm's are always open to talk about anything guys truly you can dm me here or you can dm me on Instagram (Samryn_mul) that is my handle. This is the end of the Spider-man fanfiction era for me I shall move on to the next stay tuned.

Anyways bye bye for nowmy Spider-man/Tomdaya loves. It was so nice writing for you. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now