Chapter 11

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"I'm nervous! Like your parents never heard of me...they don't even know we're dating not even mentioning we've been together for two months! I'm so nervous," Tom says on the phone with Zendaya.

He was finishing some stuff up on set then he was gonna drive to Zendaya's for thanks giving where he will basically meet her whole entire family.

"Baby your gonna be fine," she says," Zink get her of!" He hears her yell and there was a lot of commotion going on in the background.

Tom's heart started beating a lot faster. The only person close to Zendaya that he's ever met was Deja. And now her whole family at once.

"Tom? Look is your so freaked out you don't need to come..."


"No, its totally fine I mean what was I thinking!? We've only been dating for what, two months? Look I gotta go," she quickly hung up.

Zendaya looked down at her phone sadly. All the joy she felt about tonight was gone.
"Baby what's wrong?" Claire asked coming into the hallway Zendaya was standing in.

"Nothing I just wanted you guys to meet someone, but I guess he's not coming..." Zendaya says.

"He?" Claire says.

"Yeah..." Zendaya looked down not daring to look up at her mom's face.

"Zendaya I'm so over your secret relationship shit," Claire says calmly.

Zendaya looks up at her mom's calm face.
"Mom he's...he's different," Zendaya says and her mom notices the sparkles that appears in Z's eyes when she started talking about the boy.

"Baby girl..."

"He's so nice mom. Like so so nice! He dances too AND he is kinda short, but not like a midget or something. He's just such a great person to talk to and he just gets me mom..." Zendaya felt like crying because of the tsunami of emotions that's going through her while she was talking to her mom about Tom.

"Well I can't wait to meet him," her mom says,"why can't he be here?" She says wrapping her arms around Zendaya.

"I think its my fault mama," she says.

Zendaya looked so sad right now then she wiggled out of Claire's arms and smiled.

"I better go help out in there," she chuckled then leaves and Claire knows how heart broken her daughter is about this boy not coming.

The doorbell rang and one of Zendaya's cousin's Matt, who is 13, opened the door because no one else heard it.

He opened the door and froze.
"T-Tom Holland?"
Matt is a huge Avengers fan and his favourite is definitely Spider-Man. So when he heard that Zendaya got a role in the new Spider-Man movie he died. He's been following the progress of the movie online and that's how he knew who was standing before him.

And don't tell anyone he was a huge fan of Tom Holland.
"Hey dude can I come in?" Tom asked and Matt stood out of his way and Tom stepped into the the house.

He went straight to Deja when he saw her and thankfully she was the first one he saw.
"Where's Zendaya?" He asks and Deja hugged him.

"Uhm in her room I think thats where I saw her go," she says and Tom nodded.

"Uhm Tom..." he turned around and saw a bunch of young boys.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Can we get a picture?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Are you like dating Zendaya?" They all ask questions at once then Zendays's nieces circle him too.

They all start asking questions at once and Tom answered them all. Later a bunch of, he assumed, her uncle's came and talked to him.

He knows they probably won't be so nice to him they find out his relation to Zendaya.

Zendaya wiped the tears from her eyes and splashed some water on her face.
"Daya!" Matt came running inside her bathroom and latched onto her waist.

"Get of me," she pushed him of.
"Tom Holland is here!" He said excited and she froze. Tom's here.

She ran out of her room to find Tom in a heated conversation with her nieces.

"Nope I like Spider-Man...well I am Spider-Man," he says laughing.

"Nah Zendaya would still kick your ass."

"Okay that's true," he agrees," can girl can be scary," he adds.

Zendaya walks up behind then and wraps her arms around Tom.
"Oh hey!" He says.
"Your here," she says.
"Of course I'm here," he says and she smiles shyly.

"You must be the boyfriend," Claire says walking up to the couple.
"It's so great to meet you Miss Stormer I'm Tom," he says shaking her hand.
"Well hello Zendaya," her mom winks at Z and she blushes.

For Tom the night was a real pleasant experience. He met Zendaya's parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. He won over her nieces which he knows she crazy about and he ate some really amazing food.

Zendaya was shocked about how well Tom fit in so well with her family that they were both so surprised. His dad did give him a heavy speach alongside all of her male cousins and uncles, but after that things were great.

"Hey," Zendaya plopped down beside him on the couch.

"Hey stranger," he wraps his arm around her.

"Dude you are the stranger, where have you been all night!?" She says snuggling into his side. Things are starting to quiet down so they can spend some time together.
"Thank you for being here Tom," she says cupping his cheek with her hand.

"My pleasure," he rests his forehead against hers and captures her lips in a passionate kiss.

"I need to get home," he says when they pulled away and he gets up pulling her up with him.

Zendaya walks him to his car and gave him a long and sweet kiss goodnight. After their kiss they hugged.

"Tell them I'm sorry I didn't say bye...I really can't stay long I have to be on set tomorrow," he says pulling away from their hug.

"I will," she kisses him again," goodnight baby," she lets him get in the car and watch him drive away.

Zendaya walked back into her house and goes straight to the kitchen and dished herself a bowl of ice cream.

"Where's Tom?" Claire asked.
"He had to leave. He needs to be at the studio early to shoot a scene so he can't stay longer. Damn it's already 2 am," she says checking the time.

"I saw you too on the couch," Claire says and Zendaya turns bright red.
"You were right. He is different," she kisses Zendaya's cheek and they go back to where the others where dancing. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now