Chapter 14 -London-

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The rest of the remaining week we spent doing a lot of shopping actually. We chose something for each of our family: Edward got a compilation of British composers, Bella a special edition of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Alice got some dresses the same for Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett got some new games and Renesmee got a book full of Frost's poems. Other than that we spent a lot of time together, enjoying for once being alone. The only time we were apart was the day before we had to go back, since Carlisle had to hunt. He didn't want to go, but I insisted he'd go now before we travelled back and assured him that I will be fine. He finally agreed reluctantly and promised to be back as soon as he could.

That night was the first one that I would sleep without him. It was weird waking up without him next to me the next morning, but I soon remembered why. I sighed and got up; after all I might as well do something today to distract myself from the thought of my husband. I decided to wear a plain white flowing dress combined with my leather jacket, a warm scarf and my brown flats; after all it was supposed to be cold today.

Like that I decided to do some shopping on my own, so I grabbed my bag and keys and went outside.

The city was already buzzing and you could see many people hurrying to work or someplace else. I was walking down the streets cozily with a coffee in one hand. Some people seemed to watch me because the way I was walking around seemed alien with everyone's hurry. But I didn't mind, I continued to look at some shops and enjoyed being able to walk amongst others without the fear of exposure, now I was nearly like everyone else!

I got some nice dresses and a thick scarf for New York and bought me a woolly hat, I know it is summer, but better safe than sorry; after all we made a journey around the world. At noon I decided to eat something at a nice little restaurant. So while eating a salad, I thought about taking a trip to the Hyde Park and relaxing a bit in the sun.

Later that plan was settled and I decided to take the tram, everyone assured me that it was faster. So for the first time I drove by tram. It was a bit funny taking this kind of means of locomotion, but I wouldn't say that I enjoyed it more than riding a car. After ten minutes I was at my destination and settled on a bench next to the pond and a playground.

The one thing I enjoyed the most being human again was the feeling of the sun. I could feel it before, but now it was as if it caressed my skin and warmed it even more. There was only a light breeze and the sun was out, the weather was fine after all, I thought and settled down.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next second I heard children coming to me. I opened my eyes and noticed that a ball had been rolled under my legs. I picked it up and threw it to one of the boys. He smiled at me and thanked me. I smiled back at him and sat down once again.

I sighed thinking of my kids and Renesmee, I already missed them and was somewhat glad that we were reunited tomorrow. That thought made me smile and I began daydreaming.

When I woke up from my dreams the sun wasn't out anymore and I looked on my watch. Oh my, it was already nine o'clock, maybe Carlisle was already home waiting for me! Hurriedly I took my bag and looked on my cell phone, but he hasn't called me yet.

Even though I felt a little uncomfortable I decided to take the tram once again. I got down and hurried to the awaiting tram. I got out at the nearest station to the hotel and walked outside. It has already started to get dark and not many people were on the streets here. I looked around and walked normally to the hotel I could already see two streets ahead of me. I took my phone out of my bag and wanted to call Carlisle to know whether he was already back or not. It rang once before someone violently pushed me into the corner of an alley.

Thank you so much for your votes, iPraiseGod and aussiy!:)

-All rights reserved to Stephenie Meyer-

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