Chapter 51 -Normal Days-

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The weekend after the event, we all spent at home. Renesmee was at the cottage with her parents and the rest was in the main house. Alice and Rose were looking after Carlie, what probably meant that she was dressed like a fairy princess right now; though I think that Carlie likes it already to get dressed up, as she didn’t complain once. I was in the kitchen right now making me something to eat and cleaned up the bottles and pacifiers.

“Hey, I won!” “No, you cheated, I won!” Jasper and Emmett argued from the living room. I laughed at my silly boys. “Esme!” both shouted suddenly. I nearly let the bottle fall that I was holding in my hand. I ran into the living room,” What is it? Is someone hurt?” “No, but we don’t know who won,” Jasper explained. “I won,” Emmett murmured, which earned a punch from Jasper. I looked at them incredulously,” Sometimes you two are worse than 3-year-olds. I wasn’t here, so how should I know. Just play another round or even better stop behaving little preschool children.” “Yes, Esme,” both said a bit ashamed. I left the room with a smirk, yet seconds later the rambling began again, I sighed. They would never change.

After additional 15 minutes my meal was finished and I settled in one of our rarely used kitchen chairs. Just when I started to eat, the girls came in with Carlie in Rose’s arms. “Look at her,” she cooed. She was wearing a white dress with polka dots and a fitting red hair band with flowers. Carlie held fistfuls of the dress in her hands and played around with it. “She looks like a princess,” I told them and smiled. “We tried many outfits, but we liked this one the most. And Carlie likes it, too, right?” Alice said and addressed Carlie. She didn’t seem to notice and swung her arms.

I got up from the table and reached for her. Rose gave her to me willingly and smiled at her. She touched my cheek with her hand and told me that she loved me. I smiled down at her and kissed her tiny nose. “I love you, too,” I whispered. “Where are my favorite girls?” Carlisle suddenly asked and walked into the kitchen. “Do you like the outfit?” Alice asked and motioned to Carlie. He laughed softly and joined my side. “Yes, she looks beautiful,” he told her and Alice pushed Rosalie to the door. “Where are we going?” she asked surprised. “Shopping, we need more of those cute outfits,” Alice answered like it would be totally logical. Rose sighed, but obeyed, grabbed her jacket and hugged us all before she got out with Alice.

I finished dinner and cleaned everything up in the time when Carlisle fed Carlie. “We might need to go shopping, too. We are running low on our supplies,” I told him. He lifted Carlie into the air and made a funny face so that she laughed. “Okay, Carlie is ready,” he said and got up with her. “Just a minute,” I told him, kissed him and jumped up the stairs to get ready. Ten minutes later I descended the stairs and saw that Carlie was already in her jacket and hat and was rocking around in her car seat. “Ready?” he asked. “Yes,” I told him and he lifted the seat and we all got into the car.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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