Chapter 23 -Carlisle's Worries-

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I went into the bathroom to get ready and ten minutes later we went downstairs to eat. To my surprise everyone already sat at one table, smiling at me. Alice waved and motioned for me to sit next to her. I led us to the chairs and we sat down.

“I ordered you some breakfast if that’s alright?” Alice asked. “Of course, thank you, Alice.” I was still a little bit tired and talked only a bit with Alice, but that didn’t keep me from noticing the glances from Edward and Jasper at me. I looked at Carlisle and noticed his cautioning glance at them. Confusion swept over me, is there something wrong I don’t know about? I silently ate my breakfast as soon as a waiter brought it and thought about the boys. Somehow I have to know what is wrong, but Carlisle wouldn’t tell me; his glance told me that much.

Carlisle’s question interrupted me from my reverie. “Are you ready, love? The appointment is in an hour.” “Yeah, just a second, I need to grab something from our room.” Carlisle got up to go with me. “It’s alright; you don’t have to go with me. But you could get me a milkshake, please?” confused he answered:” Of course, but I would rather you don’t go alone.” “I could take Jasper with me, if that is alright with you, Jasper?” He got up as well, glancing at me and Carlisle, before he led me to the elevators with his hand at the small of my back. As soon as we were in the elevator I relaxed a lot. “Is everything alright, you seem to be anxious about something?” he asked concerned.

“Yes, everything is fine, but I noticed yours and Edward’s glances, not to mention Carlisle’s cautious one. What is wrong?” “You indeed noticed that,” he mumbled. I squeezed his hand in confirmation and my eyes demanded an answer. Jasper sighed, but began talking. “Carlisle will probably kill me for that, but the night we talked about the baby and how it might hurt you the way Renesmee did to Bella. Carlisle considered…”

“What?” I asked angry, they at least could have talked to me, I thought. “He considered ending the pregnancy.” My mouth fell open and tears spilt. He was shocked at my reaction and embraced me softly. “But he couldn’t do it. He didn’t even want to know that he even considered it. He loves you so much and would do everything for you, but the thought of losing you was too much for him. That is why he made that appointment today.” “He… wants to kill the baby?” I was so angry, shocked and hurt.

 “No! He wants to make sure that the baby is alright and that especially you will be fine. But the signs are all well, Bella was already in her fifth month around the time you are now. Carlisle thinks the baby will grow at a normal pace. It’s a miracle, considering that Carlisle is a vampire after all.” It was a lot to take in, but the anger and shock slowly went away. Although I would have wished that Carlisle would have talked to me or at least with me around. “Thank you, Jasper, for telling me.” “Always,” he said and hugged me. A wave of calmness washed over me and I thanked him for that as well.

Thank you so much for the all the votes!

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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