Chapter 24 -First Doctor's Appointment-

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Right now we were at the doctor’s. Apparently it was an old friend of Carlisle from when he had worked here five years ago. I was so nervous regarding the outcome of this appointment. Carlisle rubbed soothing circles on my hand and watched me with worry. “I’m fine, Carlisle. Just a little nervous,” I informed him with a small smile. He sighed, but smiled back at me as well. As I knew him for so long now, I knew that he was nervous as well, but didn’t want to show it to me. As we waited I debated with myself whether I talk to him about what Jasper told me or not, but I kept that thought in the back of my mind. We waited probably 15 minutes or so, but I was nearly jumping up and down in my chair and Carlisle tried to keep me down with his hand on mine. I gave into his touch like that alone would make me feel safe, calm and loved and it truly did. So I lay my head against his shoulder in the waiting area. I was watching the buzzing of people here at the hospital.

The nurses were walking hectically around, the doctors were examining one patient after another and patients were waiting nervously like me. I remember this scene so well; every time I would visit Carlisle at his work the constant buzzing surrounded me. Somehow it was so familiar and I second home in a way, since he was there most of the time. All of a sudden, Carlisle squeezed my hand and said that we could go in. Numbly I got up and followed him into the room.

The room was small and white like it was normal in a hospital. In the left corner stood a desk with two chairs and right in the middle was an examining chair. The rest of it was stuffed with equipment and medications. The doctor got up and greeted us cheerfully. “Hallo Carlisle, Mrs. Cullen, nice to see you again. Is everything alright with you and your family?” he asked kindly. “Yes, thank you, Robert. I hope everything’s alright with yours?” Carlisle asked politely. “Yes, my children are actually studying now, too. I’m becoming an old man. But well… What brings you here today?” “We’re expecting a baby and we wanted to make sure that everything is fine,” Carlisle answered. “Congratulations! Do you know how far the pregnancy has progressed so far? “Yes, I’m in the fourth week now,” I answered cautiously. “That’s early, but I will run some tests and then we’ll see,” he explained with a kind smile. He took a blood sample from me and then disappeared, saying that this will take some time.

I couldn’t concentrate on anything while waiting even Carlisle’s words wouldn’t reach my mind properly. After some time he surrendered and just held my hand, probably realizing that I needed to know the results before I could talk coherently. Then, after an eternity to me, the doctor came back and sat down with my file. “First of all, Mrs. Cullen, you are definitely pregnant and so far everything seems fine. Your blood shows that you are perfectly healthy. We could try to make an ultrasound to see the heartbeat, but in this early stage it could be that it cannot recognize it.” Both men looked at me and I nodded. “Very well,” he said and gestured me to the chair.

I lay down on it and took Carlisle’s hand firmly. He leaned down and kissed my hand to reassure me. I smiled feebly back. “Could you please move your blouse up?” I put it up and revealed my perfectly flat stomach which showed no sign of the life inside of me. Then the doctor put gel on my stomach and used the ultrasound. I looked to my right to see the picture. “There it is,” he explained and showed us the little fetus. “It progresses perfectly fine; actually it seems that you’re a bit more advanced than 5 weeks, probably one or two weeks more. Oh and we can already see its heart. Do you see that?” I looked at the screen and saw the little thrumming of my baby’s heart. I began to cry.

I looked at Carlisle and I could see that if he could cry he would, I’ve never seen him so happy and awed. “Here,” the doctor said and handed me the ultrasound picture. With that he left us to have some privacy. Carlisle got up and shook hands with him and thanked him. Then he went out. I smiled brilliantly at Carlisle. He got to my side and leaned down to kiss me sweetly. To my surprise he lifted me up bridal style and swung me around all the while kissing me. In order to let me breathe he caressed my neck and then returned to my mouth.

It took all my power to not rip his clothes away right here and now. Carlisle chuckled feeling my refrain. He carried me out of the door earning quite a few glances in our direction. I blushed and hit my face in his chest, but I wouldn’t want to get out of his arms. He carried me all the way to the car and then gently lifted me into it. “Thank you,” I giggled and gave him a kiss. He looked overjoyed, even like a teenager again and returned to his side to drive back to the hotel.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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