Chapter 37 -First Days Back In Forks-

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The plane ride back home was exhausting, much more than the ride here. We had to switch once in New York and I couldn’t sleep much on the plane. I still wasn’t used to sleeping with my belly. Carlisle tried rocking me to sleep in the big first class seats and I cuddled to his side willingly, but I could only sleep for short intervals. As a result I was totally exhausted when we arrived in Washington. Carlisle half carried me out of the gate and into the reception hall. I could see that the rest of the family was walking in front of us, a little bit faster than I could. Edward carried a sleeping Renesmee and the others were parted as couples and talked amongst themselves. At the parking lot, Carlisle lifted me gently into the passenger seat and I slowly drifted to sleep on the ride home.

When I woke up we were standing in front of our house in Forks. The lights were already turned on and the others were inside, unpacking probably. I yawned as Carlisle lifted me once again into his arms to carry me inside and into our bedroom. It felt good being home again, I’ve missed it. The journey was nice, but it has been nearly five months since I’ve been here. And in this time everything has changed so much and the future looked so much different to me now then five months ago. I rubbed my stomach and drifted to sleep eventually.

The next morning I got up and heard the others talking downstairs. I grabbed my night gown and descended the stairs careful not to trip.

All the kids were gathered downstairs in their jackets and ready to go. “Where are you going?” I asked them wondering. “School,” Edward and Rosalie answered me like it would rather equaled hell. I snickered. “Do you have to go only a day after we’re back home?” I asked them. I rather liked my family to be around. “My words exactly,” Emmett said looking at Carlisle.

“It is better that way. They were already gone for nearly a semester and there will be enough questions anyway,” Carlisle explained what seemed like for the tenth time.”Well, then, Carlisle is right.” I said and hugged each of them. Emmett gave me the puppy eye look “Please,” he begged. “Oh, Emmett, you know that it is for the best so that we can stay here just a bit longer. Therefore we need to keep up the pretenses.” “Ugh, I know,” he grumbled and hugged me ever so softly. “Bye!” they called and left in their individual cars.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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