Chapter 54 -Homewarming-

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The next morning as I awoke late, it seemed to be almost noon. I got up from the bed and looked around. The room was still a mess and Carlisle was nowhere in sight. So I put my nightgown on and my hair into a ponytail and walked into the nursery. "Good morning, sleeping beauty," Carlisle greeted me still in pajamas and gave me a kiss. Carlie was also still in her stompers and lay on a blanket on the ground playing with some toys. "She slept through the night, apparently our daughter isn't a morning grumpy." I smiled at him and settled down next to Carlie on the ground. When she spotted me, she made one of her sweet baby laughs and stretched her hands up. I picked her up and kissed her nose, which always made her laugh.

"There you are," Alice called exasperated all of a sudden. I turned around confused. "We only have three hours left until we have to be at Mary's house. And you are still in your pajamas," she said horrified. "But you aren't dressed for the party either," I pointed out. "Yes, but I don't need so long as you do, plus you also have to prepare Carlie. So hurry, people," she said, clapped her hands and walked away. "She behaves like we would meet the queen today," I whispered to Carlisle in a mixture of shock and amusement. "Isn't it always that way, no matter where we go?" he laughed, but obeyed her. I also knew that Alice would always get her way, so I handed Carlie over to him and went to find Alice for further instructions.

An hour later I was totally dressed, manicured, made-up and my hair was done. Then Alice shushed me into the nursery to prepare Carlie. Carlisle left to prepare himself then and I tended to Carlie. He had already changed and fed her so I only had to dress her. I decided to dress her in dark blue dungarees with a white t-shirt and a white cardigan plus pink converse on which Carlie was printed on. I had to admit she looked really cute in those. I placed her back into her cradle and packed stuff into the diaper bag. I didn't know how long we would stay there, so I packed additional clothes, diapers, pacifiers, bottles, bibs, a blanket, and some of her favorite toys. I gave her the red-yellow teething ring and got on with fetching her coat and hat. Then I picked her up and put the diaper bag on my other shoulder.

"Everyone's ready," Alice announced and looked satisfied with the result. We were all dressed in creamy colors plus the individual colors. I wore beige chino pants, a white blouse with a bow, a dark blue blazer and fitting blue high heels. Renesmee had the most adorable dress on: It was white with uncountable splatters of various colors and an orange cardigan with fitting orange converse. She was in Bella's arms and nestled her head into her shoulder. Carlie was restless and cried loudly. I put the diaper bag away and rocked her soothingly. But that didn't soothe her at all so I sang to her. "Hush little baby, don't say a word, Mommy's gonna..." She wailed a bit longer until she was totally focused on my voice and watched my face.

After her short crying jag, she was calm again and tightly held the collar of my blazer in her hand. In the meantime the others had already gone to the cars and I followed behind shortly after and then put Carlie into her seat in our car. Emmett and Rosalie decided to go on a trip for the week, so he was carrying their luggage to the jeep just as I closed the car door. I tried to convince them to come as well, but logic was on their side: As even without them we were eight persons and that was raising enough attention as it was. So we hugged them goodbye and drove with them until we had to turn right to Mary's house.

Arriving there, we parked the cars on the side of the street near the forest and Carlisle put Carlie out of her seat. Their house was close to the forest as I had said before, and resembled Charlie's house a lot. It was painted in blue and it seemed to have a huge lawn stretched behind it although the house looked rather small. Carlisle and I were walking in front as the others followed us a step behind. I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later Mary opened the door with little Peter in her arms. "Oh, hello! It's nice to see you, Esme and Carlisle! Come on in," she motioned for us to walk through the house into the back yard.

There were tables around the edges of the backyard and the trees and the back of the house were decorated with garlands. Her husband came to greet us as well and he and Carlisle started a conversation. My kids introduced themselves and talked with Mary and some other guests. I didn't recognize anyone. So I went to Mary to talk to her some more after I had exchanged some sentences with everyone. "You have nice kids," she said. I nodded in agreement and smiled at her. Peter began to wail in her arms, which caused Carlie to look into his direction. He wouldn't stop fussing until she put him down into a play cot. I put Carlie next to him and we both watched them as they looked at each other fascinated. Then Carlie laughed at him and swung her arms around. Peter in response moved around as well and never looked away from her face.

"They're so sweet with each other," Mary said and cooed at our kids. "Yes, how old is he?" "He is turning three months next week." "Oh, Carlie is only six weeks old." "Really? She behaves much older," she said astonished. "Well, yeah. She is a bright child," I answered her with a wink and we both laughed. We watched them a little more until they had both fallen asleep inches from each other and I carefully pulled Carlie into my arms to put her into her pram. We talked, danced,laughed and ate Peter's barbecue, which was pretty good. In the evening we thanked them for the great day and drove back home alraedy tired enough to sleep at once.

Only then Carlie woke up and began to cry. I sighed and put her out of her car seat and her jacket. Carlisle was at my side in a split second with a warm bottle I gave her at once. She closed her eyes again and we put her to bed.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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