Chapter 56 -Pain-

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(3rd person narrator)

The paramedics rolled a severely hurt woman into the emergency room of Forks' hospital. Behind her three other ambulances were arriving. One other paramedic was jogging next to the woman's stretcher with an infant in his arms, which was crying horribly.

They were all shouting over each other and one could hardly hear a word of what they said. Doctors already came running out of the building prepared to help. One doctor approached the stretcher of the woman in front and looked at her face with shock. "Get Dr. Cullen," he shouted to one of the nurses.

He was already in the emergency room, stitching a patient's arm. He tried to finish it faster so that he could help with the accident. Right then he heard that Dr. Knightly called for him. He just made the last stitch on the patient and instructed the nurse to put a bandage around it.

He got up and saw a stretcher coming into the emergency room with paramedics and three doctors surrounding it and working on the mangled body of a woman. "What do we know?" one doctor asked. "26-year-old woman, had a car accident. From what we could see she has a severe head trauma and internal bleedings that have the highest priority" another doctor told him. "The infant is fine, but we should run a few tests to be sure," a paramedic told the doctors.

Carlisle was standing totally still on the place. He couldn't move. He knew this woman like no other... Shock totally overtook him and he could only watch his worst nightmare unfolding itself.

The only thing that awoke him from the shock was the cries of pain of his own daughter. He ran to the stretcher and pushed his way through the doctors. There she lay, mangled, broken... Blood was oozing out of her head and her heartbeat was irregular.

"Carlisle, please! We will do everything that is possible, but you shouldn't see this. Carlisle, we will save your wife. But please...." Dr. Knightly motioned Carlisle away from Esme and to his daughter, who was still crying terribly. He took Carlie from the paramedic and rocked her soothingly, yet he seemed empty.

His daughter on the other hand only sniffled a few times more until she only watched her father and touched his face several times. The doctor's expression changed every time his daughter did this to one of love and determination. He kissed his daughter and watched the horrible scene.

The doctors already prepared the woman and now pushed the stretcher to the elevator and down to surgery. Dr. Knightly threw a last glance at his friend and colleague and prayed that everything will turn out fine.

He sat on one of the chairs in the corner with his daughter in his arms, who was now asleep, and watched as the doctors worked on the other injured participants. Two were hurt badly as well and the other was conscious and only had a few cuts and bruises.

Everything rushed past him without consciously observing anything. His gaze was focused on his daughter's face the entire time like she was his last anchor on sanity and hope. He only watched the buzzing on and on until a pediatrician tried to have his attention.

He watched her emptily but walked with her to one of the examination rooms to take a look after his daughter. After several tests at least a bit of tension fell off of him when she told him that Carlie was perfectly fine.

The hours of waiting were worse than anything Dr. Cullen has ever endured. An hour has already gone by when he went to one of the nurses to get his daughter a bottle. He then fed and changed her before he walked back to the waiting area. She was falling back to sleep when he finally remembered to call his family.

The entire Cullen family arrived frantically and hugged their father and their little sister. Though they realized that nothing could eliminate the pain he was in...

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-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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