Chapter 50 -The Graduation-

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A/N: I know the Cullens have already graduated, but I wanted them to stay in Forks just a bit longer, so I made them stay in high school.

The next morning Carlisle woke me up softly. I looked around and was at once reminded of last night, which caused a huge smile on my lips. I leaned over and kissed Carlisle. “Good morning,” I greeted him and sat on top of him. “Good morning, love,” he said and began roaming my body.

“Everybody, get ready for the graduation,” Alice called loudly in the house. I remained in Carlisle’s arms and he kissed me back like he hadn’t heard her, too. “You, too, Carlisle and Esme!” she called. I groaned and Carlisle moved us both in a sitting position. “Evil little pixie,” I smirked and got up from his lap. “I heard that,” Alice called and opened our door. At least we were all covered up of some sorts. “I won’t look; I’m just making sure that my parents get ready for my graduation,” she said. “We will, Alice, right away,” Carlisle assured her. “Okay, your clothes are already in the bathroom and Carlie is already fully clothed.” “Okay,” I said and walked into the bathroom, Carlisle following me behind.

An hour later, and feeling like a Barbie doll, we were all ready to go to school.

Alice has dressed me in a blue flowing dress and fitting high heels, plus a creamy blazer. My hair was pinned up on one said and was flowing down on the other in curls. Carlisle was wearing a beige suit with a light blue shirt and a blue tie.

It seemed like everyone was fitting to their partners.

Alice wore a black cocktail dress and Jasper had a fitting classical black suit. Bella and Edward were also dressed in blue like Renesmee, but rather dark blue. Rose and Emmett had red highlights in their clothes. Then Alice walked back in with Carlie in her arms. She also wore a blue dress that fitted perfectly to our clothes. She handed her to me and gave Carlisle the diaper bag. I kissed her and she played with the bow on the collar of my shirt with a smile.

Then we all drove to school in our individual cars. Carlisle opened my door and then got the pram out. I put a squiggly Carlie into my arms and carried her to the entrance. I wanted to keep her in my arms but there were so many people so that I rather put her into the pram.

Carlisle took my hand and we walked inside to find places to sit. Edward and Bella already waved at us out of the crowd in the rather small gym. Carlisle successfully maneuvered the pram through the crowd and placed it against the wall next to our places and put Carlie into his arms. Then we sat down next to Bella, Edward and Nessie. The others were waiting for the ceremony to start in their blue graduation gowns.

I looked worriedly at Carlie. She wasn’t used to so many voices and sounds but she seemed totally focused on Carlisle. He smiled down at her and played with her teddy.

“Hello, Dr. Cullen,” a woman greeted. Carlisle greeted back and returned his attention back to our daughter. That happened more often and it seemed like the entire city greeted him before the ceremony started. I could feel the glances on our family the entire ceremony and some even glared at us. I tried to keep my mind focused on my children’s graduation.

Right on cue, the headmaster walked on stage and gave a speech.

Then the students were called alphabetically and then got their diplomas. Finally it was our turn and Carlisle handed me Carlie in order to make some photos.

“Alice Cullen,” the headmaster announced and she walked gracefully on stage and got her diploma. “Emmett Cullen.” He had a huge smile plastered on his face and winked at us as he got his diploma. The headmaster seemed relieved when Emmett left the stage like he was scared of him. I giggled, but watched Jasper receiving his diploma and the last one then Rosalie. She walked on stage like a model and I could see that many of the boys were watching her and even some of the men in the audience. She didn’t seem to notice and smiled at us before she left like the others.

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