Chapter 47 -Child of Love-

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“Mommy,” Renesmee screamed happily and hopped from Carlisle’s lap into Bella’s arms, who was advancing us from the back of the house. The others were with her, too. Carlie let me go when she heard the voices and swung her arms. Carlisle and I moved around to look at them. Alice was at our side in a second totally hyper, and took Carlie from my arms.

Alice made funny faces and Carlie smiled her sweet toothless smile. “How were the finals?” Carlisle probably asked the most normal question a father asked. I smiled at him sweetly and watched Alice and Carlie. “It was okay, everyone was finished earlier except for Emmett. He rather pranked the teacher than doing the exam in Maths, but well, we are all going to pass anyway, I’ve seen it,” she explained fast. Carlisle smiled at her bemused and glanced at Emmett, who was currently play fighting with Jasper. “Well, then next week it’s time for your graduation,” Carlisle announced enthusiastically. Everyone laughed on that private joke. “Yes! Graduating from high school for the 21st time!” Emmett roared laughing.

After some moments Carlisle cleared his throat and everyone averted their attention to us. Edward looked mesmerized and watched little Carlie in Alice’s arms. “Carlie has a power,” he announced smiling. “What? Really?” Rose said and Jasper was also surprised:” What can she do?” “She can show you how much she loves you and how much other persons love you,” I told them. “Well, after all, she is a child of love with such loving parents,” Emmett whispered rather to himself I thought. But everyone heard of course and nodded in agreement. Carlisle embraced me and kissed my forehead. “Oh,” Alice cooed and smiled down at Carlie. “May I see your sweet power?” Alice asked her. I didn’t really think that she could understand her, but she smiled at Alice and lifted her tiny right hand.

Alice stood still when Carlie showed it to her. She kissed Carlie overwhelmed and then ran to Jasper and gave him a passionate kiss. “Hey, there’s a baby,” I shouted playfully. “Sorry,” Jasper answered, confused about Alice’s outburst. After Alice and Carlisle explained what Carlie’s power did to someone, everyone wanted to try it. So Carlie was handed from one to the other until I took her back to me to feed her. The others were quite “busy” after feeling the love of their mate.

Carlie sucked contently on the bottle and played with my bracelet until her eye lits drooped and she fell asleep. Carefully I put the bottle away and loosened her grip on my arm in order to put her into her crib in the nursery. She was so sweet when she was sleeping. Her mouth formed a little o-form and her limps fell loosely around her. I took the camera from the shelf and made a photo of her. Just then Carlisle was standing behind me and massaged my shoulders. “She is sleeping,” I whispered and pulled around to embrace him. He first glanced at Carlie and then kissed me. “Let’s take this somewhere else,” I winked at him. I then laid her ducky blanket on top of her and turned her little music player, which played the songs Edward composed for her, on, which also formed little stars and clouds on the walls of her room.

“So where were we?” I asked seductively. “I’ll show you,” he answered huskily and swung me into his arms and laid me on our bed. He then kissed my lips, jaw and arms. I stopped him and sat on his lap to kiss him some more. He was only lifiting up my shirt when we heard Carlie’s cries. We let go from each other and hurried to her room. Carlisle lifted her up and changed her diapers.

 Then he rocked her softly, but she wouldn’t sleep anymore. It seemed like the 15 minutes of sleep sufficed her more than enough. Carlisle looked frustrated and I laughed,” Don’t worry, we’ll just postpone it.” He smiled lovingly at me and made faces at Carlie, who smiled at her father and kicked around happily. Just then our telephone rang. “I’ll get it,” Alice shouted. I couldn’t hear much, but Carlisle seemed to hear every word.

Though before I could ask, Alice was standing in the doorway and gave Carlisle the phone. She mouthed “the hospital” to me and left the room with a glance at Carlie. He shifted her to his right arm and answered the phone. Carlie watched him curiously and lay still. I laughed at our curious daughter. “They asked me to make a surgery tomorrow on one patient. I said yes but made clear that I’m still on my vacation.” “Okay, Carlie and I could fetch you up tomorrow,” I said. “That would be wonderful,” he said and kissed Carlie’s nose.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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