Chapter 6

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I blabbed out my story to Kaatlynn, a girl I had just met. This whole time I had managed to not tell anyone. Only Lee and Jackie knew my story, and now Kaatlynn did too. And she worked at a newspaper for goodness sake! She could blab my story to everyone in the world for all I knew, and it was all because she was beautiful and playing hard to get.

My phone beeped. I pulled it out and saw that Jackie had called, twice.

“I’m sorry. Do you have to be somewhere?” Kaatlynn asked shyly.

I looked up and saw her gorgeous blue eyes looking up at me.

“No. It was nothing.” I replied, shoving my phone back in my pocket after putting it on silent.

“Oh. Ok.” she answered and looked back down at her empty coffee cup.

her hair fell into her face, hiding her sparkling eyes and gorgeous smile. I wanted, so badly, to touch her cheek and push her hair back from her face and behind her chandelier ear-ringed ear. i bet her hair was soft and smooth, even if her curls made her sun-kissed hair look a little wild.

At that moment the check came. Kaatlynn started sifting through her purse before I put my hand on her wrist.

“Don’t worry about it. I got it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah! Remember? This is my treat for knocking down your purse.” I smiled and grabbed my wallet out of it’s place in my back pocket. I put a twenty on the table and we got up.

“Thanks for the coffee, and thank you for telling me about your family. You didn’t have to.” she replied graciously. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone what you told me."

“Thanks, and you know, I wanted to. It felt good to get it out.”

And strangely, it was true.

As we talked, we made our way outside into the hot city air. it was hard yo wear the sweatshirt in this sort of weather but it was either this or staying in and not having met Kaatlynn. And I would much rather have met her and sweat in the sweatshirt than stay indoors all alone.

“It was nice talking to you and getting to know you. You’re not as shallow as I thought you were.” she chuckled.

“Thanks, I think." I said pausing to think about what she just said. "I had a nice time too.”

“Um. Do you think maybe you could tell me how to get to A-Z Apartments?” she ventured. "In my time searching for a Starbucks, I got a little turned around."

“Um, yeah. Just walk down this street a couple blocks. It will be the red door with the name spray painted on it.”

“Ok-.” she trailed off, looking a little confused.

“You want me to walk you there?” I offered.

I was already late so what was a couple more minutes to help out a beautiful girl?

“Yes, please. I'm so sorry to be a hassle. I just got here and I don't know where anything is."

“Nah, it’s fine.” i replied tossing my hand in her direction to let her know it was no big deal.

We started walking in the direction of the apartment building. The sound of Kaatlynn's heels clasking was the only sound being generated between us.

“So, Kaatlynn-” I drawled, not sure of what we should talk about.

“So, Jace-son.” she spoke as a couple of teenage girls walked past us.

“Do you think I could get your number?”

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