Part 26: Karen

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Austin and I rush to the hospital to see my mom. I ask on the desk for my mother and go to her room. She had a few fracture on her hand and leg. I go towards her and sit beside her. Austin take a seat beside me.

I ask her "Mom how are you? How did this happen?" She says to Austin "Son if you don't mind can you leave us alone. I need to talk to her in private." 

He nod and said "I will be waiting outside." I tell him "I'm staying here with mom, you can go home. I will see you in the morning." 

He nodded and said "Take care both of you. If you need anything call me." We both nodded and he left.

Mom said "I need to tell you the truth. I lied to you about your father, you were not a drunk mistake. Your father and I loved each other. He was a gang leader. I wanted him to leave his gang and start a fresh, but he said that gang was more important than me. I told him I will leave him. He said I can go but his child will stay with him. I was pregnant with twins, but I only told him about one. After you and your brother were born, I took you with me and left one child with him. I loved you both equally but if I told him about you he would have taken you with him. I know I must be sounding selfish, but I wanted normal life for my children."

By now she was sobbing, she continued "I think it's your dad behind my accident. He found out about you a few year back. His best friend saw me with you, you look just like your father and your brother and you are identical twins, except your eye color. Your father's friend must have told him and now he must have found us. I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry Karen."

I was shocked and broken but I loved mom. I said "Mom you don't have to worry. I know you did it to protect me, and I'm grateful to have you as my mom. Take rest I'm having a sleepover with the girls. See you in the morning."

After that I went to Sofia's house. Grace, Sofia and Samantha were planning to prank the guys. I joined them and we made a plan to prank the guy. 

I plan to tell Austin and Ryder about my mother's situation soon so that they can help me and my mother. 

Sorry for the short part. It was just Karen's side of story. Do you think she can forgive her father and accept him? Is her mother's assumption about her father being behind her accident true?

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