2. What is Takes to be a Hero

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"Give me everything you have."

I stop in my tracks.

"Hands up," I feel metal touch the back of my head, and a click rings through my ears. "Now."

I drop my schoolbag, internally groaning at all the items that can easily break in there, and rest my palms on my head.

"It doesn't matter, you know," I grumble. "A schoolgirl isn't gonna have anything on her."

"Shut up," This guy's a college student, probably. His voice sounds like it hit puberty a while ago. But who knows? Early bloomers are a thing...okay, why am I thinking about this again?

"Just...come with me," he says, obviously unsure of himself. "You're right, there's nothing you can do against someone with a gun."

I cock my head to the side, only a little so he won't notice, and see the gun in my peripheral vision, "That's a simple glock. Anyone 10 metres away from you could dodge it."

He laughs uncomfortably, "But it's right behind you, isn't it?"

I sigh, "People nowadays, even with quirks, they still need need weapons, huh?"

"Huh?" He echoes.

"Luckily, for me," I appear behind him, and he shrieks. "I don't really need a quirk."

I bring my hand down on his neck, making him pass out. Ah, the beauty of pressure points. I pick up my schoolbag, and sigh in relief when I look through it, and see nothing broken. Then I continue my walk home.

And it's now that I realise I never explained the details of my quirk, but trust me, it will come in due-time.

However, I know what you're probably thinking. A speed quirk, a time-stopping quirk, something like that.

Nope. My family owns a dojo, so learning to fight was necessary from a young age. And ever since I started to live on my own, I've trained myself in multiple martial arts.

Plus, I've had multiple mentors to help me out.

Once I enter my apartment, I turn on the hallway light, kick off my shoes, and rest my head on the kitchen table. Ugh... I groan, and hear the front bell ring. I groan louder, and trudge to the door, opening the door to reveal the #1 hero.

"HaHaHa!" He does his trademark weird-ass laugh.

"Don't do that," I cringe jokingly.

"Young Shizuka," All Might says, "Are you ready?"

"For what?"

He facepalms, "Why, FOR UA ADACEMY, OF COURSE."

I massage my temple, "Right."

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