26. Time to Pick Some Names

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Early May

"Todoroki is outta bounds, Bakugou is the winner!" Midnight declares, to distract the audience from the absolute disarray that's happened, and it's effective, as the crowd immediately starts to cheer after hearing the results of the festival.

"AND with that, the final match is officially over! The first-year champion of the UA Sports Festival is...Katsuki Bakugou from Class 1-A!" Present Mic joins in on the hype, and more cheers erupts.

Todoroki looks up in shock. He is, in fact, out-of-bounds, as he was running towards Murakami...but when he looks back, it finally dawns on Todoroki that she just disappeared out of nowhere. His eyes widen, wondering where she could've gone. 

Meanwhile, Midnight sighs. Cementoss had helped her up and had immediately alerted her that the smoke was starting to dissipate, and the crowd was starting to see the stage again. So she had quickly rejuvenated her energy, grabbed the microphone, and announced the final news. Technically speaking, Bakugou had already won several minutes earlier when he had knocked out Todoroki, but of course, the audience didn't know that, so luckily, Todoroki was out-of-bounds at that exact moment. Speaking of the boy, he runs back up on stage, towards Midnight.

"Miss Midnight," he says, out-of-breath, "Do you know where Murakami could've gone?"

She puts her hand on her chin, "She's a smart girl, I'm sure she just went to the infirmary, considering the state she was in..."

The pro hero looks down at the icy hot boy, who furrows his eyebrows. They both look up to the room several floors above them, and Todoroki looks back at her, as if asking permission with his eyes.

"Yes, you can go see her, but first we'll have to announce you all as winners..." Midnight trails off, and the other boy across the stage also stands in shock. 

What the HELL HAPPENED?! He asks himself, and his head turns slowly to link eyes with the red-and-white-haired boy. Once he sees his opponents, his face contorts in complete anger, with a look ready to kill.

"You BASTARD!!!" He yells, and his palms explode as he runs towards the other boy, "I'll KILL YOU!!!"

Before he can reach the quiet boy, however, Midnight rips her sleeve, and the pink mist reaches the ash-blonde boy. He falls to the ground, unconscious. The woman sighs, and looks back to Todoroki.

"What a shame...now, we're gonna have to wait for him to wake up to commence the award ceremony," She pouts, and then sticks out her thumb to Todoroki, "Please check on Shizuka for me, will you?"

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