6. Rage, You Damn Nerd

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Mid April

Shizuka Murakami! Her quirk: Weaponise! She can transform any kind of metal into any support item that can be used for combat: both offense and defense!

Everyone seems to look over at the girl in understanding, although most of them are still pretty hesitant. There's no way that throw was a simple metal quirk. Murakami closes her eyes and sighs. Yeah, I'm as confused as you are. Also, they can hear Present Mic, too? At least I'm not the only one...

Well, this is the reason I wanted to go last... she sighs and holds out her right hand, her watch facing up. She activates her watch, and the magnet attracts all 21 balls used in the test by the class. Murakami's and Uraraka's take a bit longer than the others. Murakami releases the magnet a couple metres before the balls hit her, and they fall to the ground. What a defective device since it can't be retrieved...I'll have to speak with whoever made it...

The class continues to stay silent after what they just witnessed. This girl...

After that, class 1-A finishes up the rest of their physical fitness tests. They're all relatively straight-forward, but Midoriya has to fight through the pain. Murakami watches him struggle, and she feels something gnawing at the back of her mind, but she isn't sure what. She, on the other hand, glides through the rest of the tests, the last one her personal favourite.

Test #6: Sit-ups

Test #7: Seated Toe Touch

Test #8: Long Distance Run

Everyone is tired but eventually regains their breath, while Midoriya collapses on the ground, exhausted, a couple people walking past him. Finally, the class gathers in a circle, expecting the test scores.

"Alright, time to give you your results," Aizawa gets their attention, "I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list, it's not worth going over every individual score."

Midoriya closes his eyes, and hold his first, grimacing.The person ranked last is gonna be expelled, and the only test I was any good at was the softball throw. Can I squeak by on that score alone? I bombed the rest of the challenges.

Murakami leans her head back. I hope I don't get too high a score because of that softball throw, then people will wanna talk to me...no offense...

The sharp whir of Aizawa's holographic screen reaches Midoriya's ears, and he slowly and reluctantly opens his eyes.

His mouth opens as he sees his score, and across the class, Murakami keeps a neutral expression, until she sees her score and sighs loudly.

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