14. That's the Idea, Ochaco

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Mid April

It's finally time for Season 2! I stop brushing my teeth for a second. Wait, why did I think that? ...Oh well.

I finish brushing, and grab adhesive bandages of the shelf next to my mirror. I unbutton my shirt, and roll the tape around my stomach, ignoring the slight sting every time I make it too tight. After I'm done, I button up my shirt again, closing my eyes and sighing loudly.

I rest my palms on the sink, and look into the mirror, staring at my bangs that need to be trimmed, and the slight dark patches under my eyes, unnoticeable because of how pale I am, anyways. What happened two days ago was so insane...it feels like it happened forever ago...

I step into my kitchen, turning on my TV in the living room right next to me. As I grab an apple and munch on it, a lady starts a report.

"Up next: an update on yesterday's incident at the UA rescue training facility where hero course students were attacked by a gang of villains. According to new police officials, criminal forces called themselves the 'League of Villains'. Investigators have reportedly uncovered that this group has been plotting to kill UA teacher and popular hero, All Might, since the spring of this year. Police arrested 72 villains at the scene, but the leader later escaped. His whereabouts are unknown."

I finish my apple, and throw it away. As I slip my shoes on, the kitten meows and sneaks up behind me.

I bend down to pat her head, "I'm sorry we haven't hung out very much. It's been busy."

I still haven't chosen a name for you. I drop her off at Mrs Yoshino's, and think about some activities I could do with the kitten. I take out my headphones and slip them on as I walk to school, and "Peace Sign" by Kenshi Yonezu starts playing. What? It's a good song. In fact, I love it so much I learned how to play it on my favourite musical instrument.

I finally arrive at school, and head to my classroom, passing by the conference room on my way. I remember All Might and Tsukauchi slipping out two night ago to attend a meeting here. I wonder what they talked about...



The night before

"Our investigators are trying to learn everything they can about this so-called 'League of Villains'," Tsukauchi reads off a report in his hands, "We've made some progress, but we can't find anything on Shigaraki so far. We've searched our records for men in their 20s or 30s who are registered as having some sort of disintegration quirk, but so far, we've come up empty. Same for the Warp Gate villain, Kurogiri. So they're not citizens, or they're using aliases. Hard to find, either way."

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