13.5. Hero Note

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Heroes. I've watched people admire them since I was just a little kid. And they all dream of being heroes in the future. 

It all started with a video online. 

"Hahahaha! Fear not, citizens, help has arrived. Because I am here!"

After seeing that grinning pro save so many people, people started learning as much as they could about heroes, my brother included. He studied rigourously, because he wanted to be exactly like that hero one day.

Eighty percent of the population of this world have some kind of uncanny superpower. Those abilities are called "quirks". Since people started manifesting them, there's been one profession that's dominated all of our minds. 

I myself studied, currently writing this in my "Quirk Notebook", because I wanted to learn not about heroes, but rather, what made people heroes...or rather, what made them strong?  Because I wanted to know...what could ever make me strong?

With the explosions of crime and disasters brought about by quirks, humanity needed to protect the innocent. We gave a name to those brave enough to take action: Heroes. They're the ones who put their lives on the line, and defend us from evil. Without them, diabolical villains would destroy our cities, our lives, maybe even the planet. Then, there's him. 

"Now that I am here, that is."

The greatest hero of all time. All Might. The symbol of peace and justice, he lives up to his title as the #1 hero. No matter the situation, he always saves people with a huge smile on his face. I admit it...I do know a lot about him...but only because I've known him personally for so long.

Oh yeah, and just as a recap, I'm Shizuka Murakami. 

Right now, I'm working hard everyday, putting my all into becoming stronger. That's why...despite what I'm about to tell you, this isn't actually a sad story. 

Back then, I didn't want to become stronger. In fact, I was hoping to stroll through life without this power of mine, to be completely "invisible". But then, I ran into the League of Villains, and found that if I ever wanted to learn the truth, I'd have to be stronger. 

And, unbelievably, before I knew it, I was taking the recommended exam to get into UA high, the most prestigious training school for heroes. Where my brother wanted to go, but never got the chance.

After that, my high school career began, and things got nuts. You see, my classmates all want to be pro heroes. The teachers can be a little hard on us, and we have to go all out. Considering the amount of time everyone else has had with their quirks, I need to work harder than everyone else if I want to have control over my power. Since I was technically "quirkless" until recently, I have to work twice as hard as everyone, and make sure I don't destroy myself in the process. 

I need to stay focused. But, I suppose no one came to UA to make friends...at least, not me.

Still, people are friendly here. The students here range from weird to down-right irreplaceable. Nonetheless, I've still got friendly rivals...excluding the explosive boy, of course... 

I'm still doing my research, however. I still take plenty of notes about everyone in this very notebook. 

First off, Izuku Midoriya, who All Might chose to be his successor. Seeing Midoriya get better and better at his given quirk every day inspires me to improve myself. 

Next up, his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugou, who refers to Midoriya as "Deku", and is likewise nicknamed "Kacchan". He can secrete nytroglycerin-like sweat from his hands, and make it explode. He really excels when it comes to combat, and from what I remember, took first place in the entrance exam. However, he seems to have a superiority complex...an explosive one.

Ochaco Uraraka can make anything she touches totally weightless. Plus, she can make herself float. The only thing is, if she uses her quirk too much, it can get messy, and she'll get sick, so she has to be careful.

Simply put, Tenya Iida can run really fast. Apparently, he can increase his speed in stages. His accelerated kick is crazy powerful. 

Then there's Shouto Todoroki, my childhood friend, who I met again after not seeing him for 10 years. And I have to say that we both changed in multiple ways. His quirk lets him freeze with his right hand, and burn with his left, of course, I already knew that...but he only ever shows us what his ice powers can do...

Tsuyu Asui's abilities allow her to swim super fast underwater, jump really high, and even cling to walls. So basically, whatever a frog can do. 

The balls on Minoru Mineta's head will stick like glue to whatever they touch. He can't pick off too many, though, or he'll start bleeding. Personality wise, he's kinda a pervert...which can get pretty annoying. He has been officially dubbed "grape boi".

But that's not everyone. All my classmates have incredible quirks. We're constantly training and trying to figure out how we can use our powers to their fullest potential, not just when we're fighting. There might be lots of other ways for us to use our quirks that we haven't even begun to think of. 

The teachers that guide us at UA are all impressive, too...they're pro heroes. Mr Aizawa can erase the quirks of anyone he looks at. He's also an agile fighter, particularly when he uses the special cloth wrapped around his neck to snare a bunch of villains at the same time. 

And of course, the greatest pro ever as a teacher at UA this year. The #1 hero: All Might. His quirk can be used to channel overwhelming amounts of power. It's known as "One for All". He's got a bunch of different "Smash" attacks in his arsenal, and his ability to jump long distances definitely comes in handy.

So yeah, everyone at UA is pretty incredible...but what's the point of having these quirks? What should we be doing with them? And...why did we all fight so hard to get into UA? Why are they trying to be heroes? If so, why don't I have any interest in becoming one, as well? 

At the heart of the matter, there's only one motivation: they want to help people. And while all I want is the truth, perhaps I would like to, as well. And to do that, we have to be able to take on villains. That's a lesson we learned the hard way, far earlier than any of us expected to. The day that we were attacked while training...when we met pure evil. 

Tomura Shigaraki. The "boss"...of the League of Villains. He has a fearsome quirk that lets him disintegrate anyone he touches in an instant. But thanks to All Might's help, and the bravery of my teachers and classmates, we were able to escape. The whole experience made us more resolved than ever to become powerful and fearless. 

So we can stop evil. So we can protect the world. 

After surviving a fight with real villains, I'm sure everyone will be even more focused than before. 

I know I will be. 

I'm going to give it everything I've got. 

What is justice? What does it mean to be a "hero"? I'm still figuring all that out, but I have learned some things...it's okay to fall...it's okay to cry. You just have to keep moving forward. You have to go beyond. 

Plus Ultra!


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