22. Bakugou vs. Uraraka

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Early May

"You're the one who screws around with gravity, right, Angel Face?" Bakugou narrows his eyes.

"Angel Face?" Uraraka replies in astonishment.

"Well, if you're gonna give up, do it now, 'cause I'm not gonna hold anything back," Bakugou grumbles with his hands in his pockets. I shake my head to myself. Is this guy for real?

I look over to the boy standing next to me, and he doesn't seem very keen on talking, and although I don't feel like talking much either, I'd still like to know what my classmates are talking about. I pout slightly, and then my eyes widen a little. I'm not sure if this will work, but I might as well try. I snake my arm behind my back, and press my fingers to the wall. At first, a jumble of sounds start to make their way in my ears, but I concentrate by focusing my gaze very heavily on where my classmates are seated. After about 5 seconds of trying and failing, I take my hand off and take a deep breath.

Shouto looks over at the corner of his eye, "Are you alright?"

My face flushes, and I nod, looking down at my feet. Once he looks away, I place my fingers in the same spot, and close my eyes, searching through the sounds until I can clearly hear my class representative's voice.

"Midoriya, I'm curious, what was that strategy you came up with that would give Uraraka an advantage against Bakugou?" It worked? I open my eyes again, and look over to my classmates' seating area. Iida is holding his hand out, and directing his attention to the greenette standing next to him.

Midoriya holds up his damaged notebook, and I realise that I never noticed how terrible its state was until now. I wonder how it happened, but the sight of it is still a bit blurry from here. I attempt to correct my own vision, before abruptly stopping myself. My fingers clench on the wall, and I inhale deeply before catching my breath. That was a close call, I almost used two at once...

"Well, honestly, it wasn't really much of a plan," the greenette explains, "Kacchan's so strong...when it comes to close combat, he almost never has any openings. And the more he moves, the more he sweats, which just makes his quirk more powerful."

Right, he has nytroglycerin in his sweat glands, I look over to my childhood friend, That means, in a cold environment, Bakugou could be at a serious disadvantage. I wonder what a fight between them would look like...

"He's gotten really good at using his explosions to move around in the air," Midoriya continues, "But if Uraraka is able to touch him, she can use her quirk to make him float. She can send him out-of-bounds! That's why...it's obvious what Uraraka needs to do to get the upper hand..."

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