24. Fight on, Iida

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11 years ago

At the Todoroki abode, Shizuka walks around, meaninglessly, yet also with purpose. She arrives at a large playing area, and watches as the three older Todoroki siblings play with a soccer ball. She looks around for her best friend, wondering where he is.

Fuyumi walks up to the little girl, and grasps her hand. Shizuka looks up in awe at the other girl, and Fuyumi smiles down at her, "Do you want to play with us?"

"I don't know how," the smaller girl fiddles with her fingers, and then looks up with her huge beautiful eyes, "Where is Shou-tan?"

"Oh..." Fuyumi's eyes grow dark, and at that moment they both look up, and see Shouto watching them from the floor above. Enji Todoroki sees his son, and grips the boy's wrist, dragging him away. Shizuka's shoulders slump.

"Ignore them, Shouto," she hears his father say, "They live in a different world than the one I'm training you for."

Fuyumi watches as the little girl walks away somberly, and she reaches her hand out to Shizuka, but then stops herself, instead turning her attention back to Touya and Natsuo.

The small girl trudges to their sakura tree, and waits for her friend, holding her knees with her hands. After what seems like forever, she hears footsteps, and looks up to see Shouto with a sad smile, looking down at her. He situates himself next to her, and they sit in silence for a little bit. Then, he realises something, and turns to face the girl.

"Do you..." he trails off. "have a quirk?"

Shizuka shakes her head, and looks up at her friend, smiling, "But that's okay. I'm not in any rush."

She stops smiling when Shouto looks down at the ground.

"Well, I hate mine," he grumbles.

"Why?" she inquires, inching closer to him. "Your quirk is amazing!"

"You think so?" he looks up, his eyes wide. "But all I did was inherit my mom's quirk, and my...father's..."

"You say 'inherit' like it's not yours," she pouts. "Would you say that your body belongs to your parents only because you have a combination of their genetics?"

Shouto shakes his head, and she continues, "Exactly! Take your siblings, for example, they all have different combinations of your parents' quirks, all unique combinations that they can call their own."

Shouto's mind swirls at all the different vocabulary she's using, and she pats his head, forcing him to look at her, "Shou-tan, your quirk is beautiful..."

She beams, "...And it's yours."

Shouto gasps slightly, and then looks deep into her eyes, smiling widly, "Thank you..."

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