13. In Each of Our Hearts

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Mid April

Mountain Zone

"Get your hands up! And no quirk, got it?" The villain with a skull-like mask holds up Kaminari's helpless form, and Jirou and Yaoyorozu grit their teeth, "Use your powers, and I'll kill your friend here."

"Kaminari's helpless," Yaoyorozu whispers to the girl next to her.

"Damn villain," Jirou grunts. "He totally caught us with our pants down. I thought that electric blast would've fried them all...we're so stupid. How did we not see this coming?"

"I feel a little brotherhood with electric types, so I don't want to kill him," the villain shoots electricity from his other hand, and Kaminari whimpers, "but I will if you make me."

The girls sweatdrop, and put up their hands. "An electric type," Yaoyorozu ponders, "he's probably the one Todoroki said was jamming our communications."

The villain starts to walk towards the two girls, "Don't move a muscle. Let's take this nice and slow..."

What in the world is with all these innuendos?! Jirou looks down, "You know, you two dudes are so lucky. People with electric type quirks are destined for mainstream success."

The villain stops in his tracks. "What are you doing?" Yaoyorozu whispers.

"I mean," Jirou continues, "even if you didn't wanna be a hero, there are tons of jobs you could do in the city, right? Your kinda quirk is in high demand!"

"So, I'm wondering," she inches her right earjack down towards her boots, and Yaoyorozu notices. "Why would you become a villain in the first place?"

I see...Jirou can attack without moving, as long as she can manage to get her earphone jack plugged in.

"You don't have to answer, I just thought it might be interesting to know," Jirou's earjack is only a centimetre from the plug on her boot, but the villain moves to touch Kaminari, and the girls gasp.

"Nice try," he scoffs, "Think you can distract me that easily?"

Jirou's earjack winds back. "Big mistake, sweetheart. I'm not some dumb thug who can be outsmarted by a couple of kids. You need to learn to take hostage situations seriously."

The other villains start to get up. "So here's the new deal, either this idiot's going to die, or you are! How about that?"

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