1. Origin

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People...are not born equal.

That's the hard truth I learned at age five.

But that...was my first and last setback.

It all began in Keikei City in China, with the news that a bio-luminescent baby was born.

After that, "exceptional" individuals began popping up all over the world.

The cause was unclear. Time passed, and the "exceptional" became the norm.

Fantasy became reality.

At present, 80 percent of the world's population consists of superhumans with special abilities, of which the world has come to refer to as quirks.

The world is in chaos!

And a profession that everyone once only dreamed about...has entered the spotlight!



Early April

"Your third year of junior high begins now."

Ms Nosaka looks around at all of us, "It's time to start thinking seriously about your futures!"

She sighs, "I would hand out these future career forms, but all of you will just throw it away."

"I assume you all want to be heroes?"

The class breaks into excited chatter, at least half the students showing off their quirks. What a pain.

Ms Nosaka puts her hands up in defense, "Now kids, you know it's against the rules to use your quirks at school!"

The bell rings, signaling my freedom from these people. As I walk out, Ms Nosaka's words ring in my head. We all want to be heroes? It couldn't be farther from the truth. I'll be just fine not using my quirk at all.

"Shizuka!!!" One of my only friends at this school, Aki Youhiru, runs up to me swinging her arms around. We're in different classes, so we haven't seen each other all day. Her blonde hair is kept behind by low puffy pigtails, and her abnormally large golden eyes stare back at me. She smiles from ear to ear and looks behind me.

 She smiles from ear to ear and looks behind me

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