25.5 Shizuka Murakami: Origin

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(A/N: All digital drawings down below not from the anime are made by me)

(A/N: All digital drawings down below not from the anime are made by me)

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12 years ago, Late-April

"Boys and girls, I'd like you to welcome our new student; Shizuka," The teacher says to the class of 2 and 3 year olds, "She's a little new to school, so everyone, please be nice."

The little girl with black hair in question stands at the front of the class in her little blue uniform holding her mother's hand with one hand, and a small black cat plushy in the other. In fact, she's gripping onto it quite hard.

The teacher kneels down in front of the little girl, her giant sparkly purple irises shining in the light, and the adult smiles at her, "Hello, sweetie, would you like to say something about yourself to the class?"

The girl stares back at her in silence, and the teacher sweatdrops, and then stands back up.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention," Her mother, Yumei Murakami, laughs nervously, "She only just started talking recently, so she's rather quiet." 

The teacher furrows her eyebrows in confusion at the brunette woman, and Yumei waves her arms around, "Oh, but she can speak, of course, quite well actually...she just doesn't choose to."

The two women look down at the little girl, and the teacher puts her hand to her chin, "Yes, I've heard from the principal that she's actually a very young genius, but you had a hard time admitting her into any specialty schools due to her incredibly young age...which is understandable."

Yumei nods, "Yes, the specialty schools thought it would be best for her to get some practical social skills first before attending their schools. We hope to keep her here for about a year, and then try again."

"Very well," the teacher grabs a chalk off the board and hands it to the little girl, "Would you mind writing your name for me up on the board, sweetie?"

Shizuka nods, and takes the chalk. She goes over to the chalkboard and writes 村上静花  in perfect handwriting. The teacher stares in awe.

"Wow, already knowing kanji is impressive on its own at this age, but 'quiet' isn't learned until grade 4! Your daughter sure has some skill."

Yumei smiles nervously, and pats her daughter's head. The ravennette stares up at her mother with glistening irises. After the short first day of school ends, they both walk back home to the Murakami abode. Once entering, they both head into the living room and sit down, and Shizuka waves her little feet around, hitting them against the couch.

"I have a few hours to spare," Yumei looks at her little daughter sweetly, "So what would you like to study today, darling?"

Shizuka's eyes light up, and she jumps up from the couch, immediately running towards her parents' study. After shuffling for a little bit in there, she heads back to her mother, her little steps resonating in the hallway, and her tiny breaths hitched. She places the heavy book in her mom's lap, and leaps up to sit once again besides her. Yumei looks down at the textbook in front of her.

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