4.5. Smashing into Academia

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Mid March

The loud ringing bell indicates -ok I mean it this time- the last moments I would spend in this boring-ass place. Forever. I finally lift my head from my desk. I've been dozing off for the whole day since the teachers let us do whatever we want on the last day of school. I pick up my final exam papers, which are about three weeks due, and walk out into the hall.

"Shizuka!!!" Aki runs up to me, Jutsu trailing behind her.

"So, it's the last day of school," he states.

"No shit, Sherlock," I retort.

"Keep digging, Watson," He smirks, and I snicker. That joke never gets old. Aki continues bouncing around.

Once she finally stops, she says, as if we've never done it before, "Let's walk home together!"

I nod and open the manga I'm holding in my hand, starting to walk away from them. Jutsu runs up to me, "Is that Toriko?"

I look up, "Yeah, it is. Isn't it cool?"

"Okay, you two," Aki waves her hand, "I have to stop you before you switch to anime weirdo mode."

"Fine," Jutsu mumbles. Aki smiles at him, and he blushes a little. I ship it so much...

"Hmm," I say, looking up at the sky. We start leaving our junior highschool behind, passing another neighbouring one on our way: Orudera Middle School. The campus looks relatively empty, except for a couple people obviously insane for not rushing home immediately, and just doing who-the-hell-knows-what?

"Kacchan!" A plain-looking boy passes us. We stop walking and watch as he chases after an ash-blonde boy who walks weirdly. He turns around and tsks.

"I told you to leave me the fuck alone, Deku!" They both continue on their way, leaving us standing there, dumbfounded.

"Hey, aren't those," Jutsu laughs nervously, "the guys from the sludge incident?"

Aki gasps slightly. The ash-blonde turns around, "WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?!"

Aki and Jutsu cover each others' mouths, looking totally embarrassed.

"Damn," I rub my ear. "Keep your voices down."

They both mouth sorry.

"What sludge incident, anyways?" I look at them.

Aki regains her composure and sticks her finger in the air, surprised nonetheless that I haven't heard about it, "Oh, it was this big villain thing that happened last year. What were their names again?"

"Bakugou," Jutsu jumps in, looking deep in thought, "and Midoriya."

"Midoriya, huh?" I look back to the green-haired boy, but he's already gone. So that was him? ...what kinda nickname is "Deku"?

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