your mom's a hoe

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very messy chapter i apologize!! do you guys know those last two vines?? they're vvery good 😌😌


bambam squealed happily and jumped into one of the swings, swinging back and forth like a child. yugyeom sighed deeply and plopped down on the bench, next to a mother. 

"so, which ones yours?" the mom leaned over, smiling. 

"that one." he muttered, pointing to bambam who now slid down the slides while squealing. 

"oh, bless your soul." she sighed, then looked back at yugyeom, raising an eyebrow. yugyeom just shrugged and pulled his phone out, running a hand through his brown hair and clicking on instagram. 


"i really hate you." yugyeom sighed, and bambam grinned, running a hand through his sweaty pink hair. 

"why didn't you come out with me?" he pouted. 

"i'm a sophomore." 

"so? i'm a freshman!" 

"exactly, i can't believe you played at the park and played with little kids, don't do it again." yugyeom shook his head, looking down at the boy. "i talked to one of the mom's for like an hour." 

"hah, really!" bambam smiled, skipping along happily beside him. 

"yes. by the way, i made us an instagram, for our vine account. it's just homiesexuals." 

"oh, cool, okay!" bambam smiled, pulling his phone out and following the account. "do you wanna make more vines?"

"sure, have any ideas?"

"hold ooooon~" bambam thought, and pulled a bottle of water from yugyeom's backpack, taking the lid off and taking big gulps of it, some of it dripping from his mouth. yugyeom watched and blushed a bit, starting to imagine things he really shouldn't have. 

"g-give me that!" yugyeom cleared his throat loudly, taking the bottle of water and closing it up. bambam frowned and wiped the water from his mouth, starting to pout. 

"wow, that was fucking rude, i'm thirsty!" 

"then go suck a dick." 

"not gay- OH MY GOD I THOUGHT OF A VINE!" bambam screeched, grabbing yugyeom's hand and dashing towards his house. 


"all you have to do is smash the phone down after you say it." bambam giggled, and yugyeom sighed. 

"this is so stupid." 

"it's vine." bambam glared. "i'll fucking kick your penis if you don't." 

"fine, fine!" yugyeom sighed, flipping the phone open and putting it to his ear. 

"aaaand, start!" bambam said, starting to record. 

"so no head?" yugyeom said angrily, waiting a few seconds, then smashing the phone down the ground, jumping up and breaking his old skateboard in half. bambam stopped recording and and cackled, making yugyeom's chest swell with pride. the younger quickly posted it, and looked at the broken phone. 

"jesus christ!" bambam laughed, pointing at it. 

"damn, i smashed the fuck out of that shit." yugyeom snorted. 

"uhh~ yugyeom, why can't you do that to me?~" bambam said dramatically, sticking his butt out and whining. 

"eww, gay ass." yugyeom rolled his eyes, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "wanna call all those other faggots and swim in your pool?" 

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