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mariah was now much happier. she'd got it off her chest and felt more free. she came out to our friends and they were happy for us. our friendship group has two gays, two straights, a bisexual and a asexual. i love the diversity of sexualities!

but anyway, ryan had made progress within his first month at rehab. i was now four months pregnant and had collage tomorrow. i had gotten all my supplies and sat in my old room getting myself organised. it took ages as my anxiety bugged but i got it done. i slept really early that night, forgetting about dinner. brendon woke me up earlier and made me some breakfast which i appreciated so much. "you need to eat if you want that little one to grow" he poked my belly button childishly. "how are you 30?" i smiled, fondly.

i got out of bed and got ready into a panic! at the disco sweatshirt, black slim fit sweat pants and ugg boots. i put my hair in a pony tail and only put on mascara and did my eye brows. i didn't put on much make up nowadays as i was pregnant and cried a lot due to that (and my mental health). i got my backpack and headed downstairs.

i told my parents they didn't have to keep making me breakfast but they insisted. "we don't want our grandchildren to get hurt. your always in such a rush you forget to eat" sarah told me, giving me a smoothie. "i did some research and asked some advice off some of my friends who were previously pregnant. they gave me food advice" i sipped the drink. and it was disgusting! "gross!" i spat it out. but i wanted more.

i said bye to them and headed to school. matt and kieran did online collage as they had a child. hayley and megan went to a different collage from us. me and mariah went to the same one. i picked her up and we headed to our new collage.

we got our schedules in the mail last month so we knew where to go. we headed to first period when we heard screaming. we spun round to see three girls running to us. "oh my god! we love you so much!"

"how's the baby!?"
"do you guys go here!?"
"we love you!"

me and mariah looked at each other frightfully. we never experienced fan encounters at school to be honest. it was always about josh or brendon. "can we get a photo!?" another asked. "um...you know what? we should totally do it during free period! i mean, think of how many better ones we can take?" mariah suggested. "great idea!"

it was so awkward and anxiety wasn't helping. but we escaped and headed to our first period. we were both studying english and history. hayley was studying art and chemistry while megan was in music. kieran was doing biology and matt was doing math and physics.

each lesson was 50 minuets long. the first one went okay. my baby bump was small and not noticeable under my sweatshirt. but people were staring at me. and after class people yelled after me.

"where's the pregnant girl?"
"lana urie! she's the pregnant girl!"
"aren't her parents famous?"
"yeah she is to!"
"she's pregnant and not married!?"

mariah and me escaped the mob and ran to the bathroom. which was full of girls doing their make up. they scowled at us, making us leave. and we were back in the mob.

"can you sign this!?"
"where do you live!?"
"who harassed you!?"
"are you a prostitute?"
"can i get a picture?"

i knew an anxiety attack was coming onto mariah. i pulled her out of the mob and we ran. she was struggling to keep up but we made it to a classroom. we shut the door and saw there was a teacher. "what's wrong?" she asked. "she's having an anxiety attack!" i helped mariahs sit on the floor as she cried out.

after mariah was calm and hydrated i explained the situation. "i will alert the principle to clear the halls and about this situation" she said. we thanked her and after five minuets we went. the halls were empty.

the day was full of harassment, hatred and horror. it sucked. me and mariah used a fire exit to leave the school. we couldn't use my car so we walked. we told our parents what happened and they were pissed. then ryan called me to ask about my day. so i lied... shit

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