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hey lol lana is gonna have a baby

today's the day.

i crossed the day off on my calendar. 9th may 2018. it's time to have a baby.

i got up and ready into a oversized hoodie and sweatpants and sliders. ryan was up earlier and had made me breakfast. i could be in labour at a n y time. literally.

my parents, mariah and maddie came over to see me. maddie has been great help. "this may be awkward but i love it when two exes can be friends and not find it weird" mariah said. me and maddie just smiled. we were once very in love. but not anymore. but it didn't matter. we were friends. and that's all that mattered.

"nervous?" brendon asked as he put my overnight bag in the car. "very. my vaginas gonna be really open" i said. he bursted out laughing. "your gonna be okay. sure none of us have ever had a kid - well minus maddie. but your gonna do great. you've been kick ass these last 9 months. today it's going to be over" he said, putting an arm round me. "thanks for putting up with my bitchy-ness" i smiled. he did to.

we headed to the hospital and i was scared as fuck. it was only 8am. we went to the right room and they made me wear an ugly hospital gown. "how do you feel lana? they're making you wear that dress. they're telling you what to wear" sarah teased me. i just smiled and swatted her away. she knew i cared a lot about clothes and wanted to look nice 24/7 so i was very unhappy in this outfit.

"i'm gonna be an aunt. big me up peasants" mariah joked. "i'm gonna be a dad...holy crap" ryan grinned, his arm round me. "i can't wait to get this out of me. fucking hell" i groaned. "your gonna do great. i know it" maddie said kindly, while she tied my hair back. "your gonna be screaming and sweating. best not to have your hair flying around" she giggled. "oh yeah. thanks mads"

"hi" i was facetiming all my friends. i'd finished talking to matt, kieran, hayley and megan. now it was zack and kayla who had penny and bogart. "hey hoes. i'm about to bring children to the earth" i said to them. "good luck" kayla smiled. "drink a lot of sarah's smoothies. the protein helps despite it tasting like shit" zack said. sarah handed me a cup with the gross drink inside. she knew herself it was gross - but it helped. "i will. thanks"

"how long?" i groaned. "it's your baby. how would i know?" brendon joked, as he swivelled in his chair like a child. "it's only 10:30 lana" mariah pointed out. "yeah but- wait why are you here?" i asked. "fuck my anxiety. your my best friend, i'm gonna be here for you. and josh will come by in a bit incase my anxiety plays up" she shrugged, drinking her mountain dew. "aw thanks"

"the fear of falling apart"
to make time pass, me and brendon were singing together. sarah and mariah and ryan smiled at us, happy that i was calm. the singing had entertained the other patients and made them happy.

"i'm moving- holy fucking shit bags!" i let out a screech. "lana it's moving out!" brendon sighed. "i'm about to have a fucking baby! don't start that shit!" i yelled. "wait!? it's happening!?" ryan exclaimed. four nurses walked in. mariah wished me luck and exited. maddie guilds me through the breathing while sarah and ryan gripped my hands as i bursted into tears.

i was fucking hurting.

"hey your gonna be okay. remember how we practised?" brendon talked me through it. "okay on the count to ten..."

"one more! on ten!" nurse said. "one more darling. you can do it" brendon said, wiping my tears. "your doing great baby girl" ryan said, tears in his eyes. "ugh can't this be over!" i cried out in pain. but i did it. "baby number one. born at 12:04pm" the nurse said. "wait! baby one!? what!?" i exclaimed. "your having twins!" the nurse smiled. "woah! call god right now! i want a refund! i didn't- what!?" i exclaimed. "even in labour she's funny" sarah sighed.

"baby number two. born at 12:44pm" the nurse said. "congratulations! it's a boy and a girl!" the nurse said, handing me what was my daughter. "you did it" brendon was crying now. so was sarah. and maddie. even ryan.

i'd given birth to two kids. what.

me and ryan took turns holding our kids. they were beautiful. "wanna hold her?" i asked brendon. "w-what? me? what if i drop her?" he stammered. i smiled. "you won't. you big baby" i giggled.

"she's so precious" he mumbled, holding her close. she wrapped her hand around his pinky and fell asleep. "see? she loves you already" i smiled. ryan handed the boy to sarah who was drooling. she loved babies.

mariah came in with josh. mariahs eyes were red. "how'd it go?" she asked. "fuck off" i smiled. she did too. brendon had tears rolling down his cheeks. "she's so beautiful" he whispered. "like her mother" i joked. he grinned and handed her to mariah. "you make beautiful babies" she commented as she sat at the end of my bed, holding my precious little girl.

my babies were passed round and everyone had their go's of drooling over them. "i'm gonna sleep for a while" i yawned. "you deserve it" mariah smiles. "c-can i stay?" brendon asked shyly, holding my baby boy. "of course" i smiled. ryan was holding the girl. i laid down and slipped into darkness.

i awoke a few hours later. it was now 5pm. ryan was waking up too. sarah now had my girl. "so...name's?" she asked, as ryan yawned. mariah and josh and maddie had gone home which i didn't mind. "we got it planned" me and ryan smiled at each other.

"you should name him frank" brendon joked, referring to my boy. i laughed. "i got a better idea" i grinned. ryan's last name was mcdonald by the way hehe.

"dylan brendon mcdonald and ava sarah mcdonald" ryan said. "really?" brendon looked like he wanted to cry again. "you guys have been there for me for 6 years now. you've done nothing but make me happy. you gave me the life i wanted and helped me overcome my fears and insecurities" i said. "you helped my family so much and supported us during lanas pregnancy. the least we could do is give them your names" ryan added.

"i don't know what to say" my parent broke down in tears. we hugged the crap out of them and smiled.

we had a family.

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