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8 months pregnant.

brendon had sent a message out about leaving sarah alone. zack had to. i posted a video of me and sarah dancing together while zack recorded us. brendon was looking at his wife and all you could see was love in his eyes. he looked at her like she was the only thing that mattered. i captioned it:

@lanaurie: the way he looks at her makes my heart melt😭💓

oops. hey i didn't swear like brendon did.

@brendonurie: it disgusts me the shit 'fans' will say to the people i love most. if you're one of them, just know i think you're shit. get fucked.

yeah hehe.
sarah felt much better knowing we stood by her. and she wasn't letting horrible comments ruin her happy marriage and great life. how could she ask for more?

but anyway today i had another ultrasound. brendon wanted to come too. "i'm 30 and i'm going to be a grandfather. i don't even know what to say" he grinned as we drove to the clinic. "you don't look a day over 25. your good" i nudged him as i sipped my green tea.

but the appointment went well. the doctor gave advice on giving birth and showed me a few breathing techniques. brendon did them with me, making me laugh. he was doing better than me. "maybe you should have my baby" i joked, making us laugh.

"who's going to be in the delivery room with you?" the doctor asked. "well the father of the baby of course and my mom. i'm not sure who else" i said. "mariah?" brendon asked "maybe. but she freaks out easily" i pointed out. "based on your mental health maybe you should have someone who you know would be great help" she said. "someone who's always been there and can comfort and calm you"

"oh that's you" i looked at brendon. "is it? oh what a surprise" he grinned. "i mean you've been seeing vaginas since you were 13" i said, not thinking. the doctor laughed and brendon did to. i realises what i did and laughed.

"hey maybe you should pay maddie a visit. she could help" brendon said as we sat in mcdonald's. "oh yeah" i said, my mouth full.

"wait. brendon's going to the delivery room?" mariah asked. we were sitting with our parents talking. "yeah" i said causally. "won't it be weird? your dad seeing your vagina?" she said quietly. "mariah we all know what a vagina is" brendon said loudly. sarah and josh laughed. "he lost his virginity at 13. it's cool. i'd rather have my dad see me give birth than you have an anxiety attack" i said. "im so glad you already knew. well then, let's see how delivery room brendon does"

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