Chapter 21- Love is tragic.

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Song for this chapter: Chainsaw- The Band Perry


Celeste's POV:

Sam and I were sitting on the couch watching movies, since I had the day off.

"I'm hungry, Cel," Sam complained.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I looked at him.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

My phone interrupted our mini conversation, and when I looked at the caller ID, my breath hitched in my throat.


"I'll be back I have to take this," I got up from the couch. "Hello?"

"Hey," Luke greeted me. Man, I never realized how deep his voice was.

"Hi," I said, bluntly.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure, but I'm hanging out with my friend, so make it quick," I answered.

"Is it Sam?" He guessed.

"It's none of your damn business," I snapped.

"Sorry I asked," he mumbled.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I wondered.

"Us," he simply responded.

"Luke," I sighed.

"I wanted to let you know that because of you, I've become someone I'm not. And I don't like it. You have made me a terrible person, and I think it would've been better if we just remained friends," he explained, very rudely.

"What the fuck? I haven't done shit to you, Luke. You just don't know how to control your emotions and move on," I snapped.

"I've moved on. And I see you have too," Luke muttered.

"Yes. Now, I don't know why you're the person you are, but it's not my fucking fault. I'm sorry, but if you never wanted to date me, then you shouldn't have asked me out," I hissed.

"Maybe I shouldn't have. This was a bad idea in the first place," he agreed.

"I cared about you. I don't know if you ever cared about me, but I cared," I was almost crying.

"I have my career to focus on. I'm sorry, but I want to keep this career, this is my dream," he argued.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over your giant ass ego," I retorted.

"My ego? Please, when we were dating, it seemed to be all about you," he said.

"You're trying to pull that guilt trip shit on me, aren't you? It's not working, and I suggest you get off the phone right now," tears welled up in my eyes.

"Maybe I will! I have a concert anyway, I should focus more on that rather than this conversation," he hung up.

I slammed my phone on the kitchen counter, trying not to cry. He accused me of changing him, for the worst. And that we never should've dated. Where the fuck did he even get that idea?

I slid down the wall, my head in my hands, sobbing. Such an egotistical asshole, that's what he is.

"Celeste?" I heard Sam call.

He came in the kitchen, kneeling at my side. I cried into him, and I didn't even have to explain what happened, he was only being a good friend and comforting me.

"It'll be okay," he whispered to me.

I stopped crying, but there were still dry tears on my face.

"I have to go, but I'll call you later to make sure you're okay," Sam helped me up.

"Okay. Thank you," I smiled.

"No problem. If you need anything, I'll be right over," he assured me and left.

My phone vibrated against the countertop, and I saw the caller ID was Ashton.

"Hey, Ash," I answered it. My voice was still weak.

"Have you been crying?" He worried.

"Yeah, it was your asshole best friend that caused it," I answered.

"Luke? Oh I swear, I will kick his ass for hurting you," Ashton claimed.

"Ashton don't. Has he been acting, not himself, lately?" I asked.

"Yeah. He's been going home with a different girl every night," he replied.

"Really?" My eyes widened.

"I know you two broke up. I haven't told Michael or Calum," Ashton said.

"He just called me," I started.


"He accused me of making him the way he is, just because I broke up with him. Then, he said we never should have dated, and he didn't want to anyway. His career is more important, so I called him an egotistical asshole," I explained.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck? He said those things to you? He's changed because he can't control himself," he sounded angry.

"Yeah, that's what I said. So he just hung up," I muttered.

"He's a fucking douche. His ego is getting in the way of something amazing, and he doesn't see that," Ashton pointed out.

"I know. Well, I'll let you go, Ash. Have fun at the show," I mumbled.

"Okay, Cel. Hang in there, and I'll beat Luke's ass for you," he said.

"Thanks, Ash. Bye," I managed a small smile.

"Bye," he hung up. He really was my best friend.

Luke doesn't realize how much words hurt, and those words, cut me like a knife. I couldn't deal with the thought that I might be the reason he's a complete player now.

So I did what I hadn't done for a long time. I went in the bathroom, and grabbed my razor.

Here goes nothing.

And I cut my wrist.

Luke's POV:

I mentally slapped myself multiple times. Why would I say those things to her? I can see her now, sobbing, and it's all because of me.

"LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS GET IN HERE," Ashton yelled from the hotel kitchen.

"Yes, Ashton?" I walked in there.

"You made Celeste cry? You told her she was worthless," he snapped.

"She told you?" I asked.

"Of course she told me. I called her, and she was sobbing," he crossed his arms.

"What did I do?" I muttered.

"You hurt her big time. She doesn't deserve this, she's a great girl, an you threw her away like she's fucking trash," he hissed.

"Ashton, I didn't mean any of that," I declared.

"You're telling that to the wrong person. You should be telling her. Right now, she's probably feeling alone and worthless," Ashton pointed out.

"I just need time to cool down," I sighed.

"You need time? She was right, you are an egotistical maniac," he scowled.

"She said that?" My eyes widened.


What have I done? I've made the girl I love hate me.

I realized that words hurt, and she could be hurting a lot because of me.

I don't even want to know what I have caused.


Luke I hate you so freakin much


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