Chapter 45- So kiss me.

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Song for this chapter: Kiss Me Kiss Me- 5 Seconds of Summer


Luke's POV:

"So red roses or white roses?" Celeste asked me.

"How about a mixture of both?" I suggested.

"Hey, that's a good idea," she agreed.

"Wow, I feel like we've been planning for so long, but we've only been planning for a month," I pointed out.

"I know." She looked at her phone and gasped. "I have to meet the girls for dress fittings. Shit! I'll see you later, love you," Celeste gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Love you too, have fun," I waved at her and she left the house.

Ashton appeared in the living room holding Ashlyn in his arms.

"Hi, Luke. Celeste leave?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm guessing Caitlyn left too?" I guessed, since he was still holding his daughter.

"Yeah. I've got the baby until she gets back," Ashton nodded.

"Listen, Ash, can I ask you something?" I questioned.

"Sure," he nodded.

"I know I'm supposed to pick one of my brothers, but I consider you one too, so could you be the best man?" I wondered.

"Of course, Luke. I thought you would pick one of your older brothers," Ashton nodded.

"In a way, you are my older brother," I pointed out.

Celeste's POV:

"So I found a few dresses that you might like, they're a really pretty blue," Caitlyn explained.

"Good start," I nodded.

She showed me a few dress designs and different shades of blue, so I picked the ones I liked.

"Hey, Caiti?" I got her attention when Angie and Penny weren't around.

"Yeah?" She tilted her head to one side.

"Remember when we promised each other that we would be the maid of honor at each other's weddings?" I recalled from seven years ago.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Can you be my maid of honor?" I wondered.

She hugged me and I smiled.

"Of course I will, Cel," she replied.

We hugged for a little while longer, until we decided to go find Penny and Angie. They were looking at wedding dresses, and talking about their dream wedding.

"Hey, girls. We found the bridesmaids dresses, you just need to try them on," I explained to them.

"Cool," Angie smiled.

I picked out a different style dress for Caitlyn, so she went to try that one on. I sat in front of the dressing room, waiting for the girls to walk out with their dresses on.

Angie came out first, then Penny. They looked breathtaking in the dresses, I think I did a pretty good job.

"You girls look amazing!" I exclaimed.

"I love the style and the color, you did an amazing job on picking them out," Penny agreed.

Caitlyn walked out in her dress, which was a different shade of blue, and a little bit longer than the other girl's dresses.

"Caitlyn, you look stunning!" Angie gasped.

"You're gonna make the perfect maid of honor," Penny told her.

"Thanks girls. I love it too," Caitlyn smiled at me.

They changed back into their other clothes and we said goodbye to the nice ladies at the front desk. Our next appointment, which was in a little while, would be me, searching for the perfect wedding dress.

Hopefully the boys remembered that they needed to go for tuxedos, but I doubt it. Oh well, I guess we would have to remind them when we got back to their house.


"Boys!" Angie yelled when we walked in the house.

"Angie!" I heard Michael yell, and he came into view, running into Angie's arms for a hug.

Caitlyn went to find Ashton, and Penny hugged Calum, who had just walked out of the living room. Luke was nowhere to be found. I guessed he was sleeping, that's all he really does with his free time anyway.

Sure enough, I found him in his room and laying down in his bed. He wasn't quite asleep, but he was nearly there.

"Hey," he greeted me.

"Hi," I smiled. "Forget something?"

"What?" He sat up, confused.

"You boys have fittings today," I laughed.

"Oh shit! That was today?" He leaped out of bed.

I laughed and nodded. "Yes, that was today. The appointment is in fifteen minutes."

"Oops. Well, love you, gotta go," Luke gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Love you too," I called after him.

I knew he would forget, but I expected it, so I wasn't mad. I could hear Ashlyn crying and Caitlyn trying to calm her down by quietly singing. I actually heard Ashton singing to Ashlyn once, it was the most adorable thing ever.

I decided to take a quick nap, while Luke wasn't here. I got under the covers and started thinking.

I can never sleep, can I?

I wanted our wedding to be amazing. I'm worried about getting everything set up, something going wrong, whether it be with my dress or the decorations.

What am I worrying about? Everything will be fine.

No it won't. Your wedding will be a disaster.

Ugh, why would you say that?

I know what's going to happen. Luke will bail on the wedding.

He would never do that.

I don't even know why I was arguing with myself over this. I know Luke would never bail. He wouldn't. Why was I already having doubts? Maybe it's just the stress of planning, I really have no idea.

I decided to go on twitter, to get my mind to settle down a little bit. I saw that Luke had tweeted just about five minutes ago.

"@Luke5SOS: can't wait until our big day @CelesteTucker.... Do I really have to wear a tux, cause I look dorky in them..."

I laughed and responded to his tweet.

"@CelesteTucker: @Luke5SOS I'm afraid you have to wear a tux, babe. And I think dorky is cute :)"

He replied to me, almost instantly.

"@Luke5SOS: @CelesteTucker okay. I'll wear one just for you, baby :) <3"

I saw that Michael has tweeted too.

"@Michael5SOS: stop flirting over Twitter please, it's gross @Luke5SOS @CelesteTucker"

I laughed and logged out of my twitter, shutting my phone off.

I was overreacting about nothing, the wedding was going to be great.

The best part is, I'll have Luke by my side, for the rest of my life.

I couldn't be happier.


LAST CHAPTER *violent sobbing*

Thanks for reading, ily guys :)

Read the epilogue toooo


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