Chapter 10- Your last first kiss.

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Song for this chapter: Last First Kiss- One Direction


Celeste's POV:

"Cel, put this on!" Caitlyn tossed an outfit at me, and I quickly slipped it on. Tight jeans with vans and my favorite top.

"Hair and makeup! Go in the bathroom," Caitlyn ordered. Man, she was so serious about this.

She did my hair and makeup in about thirty minutes time, which was a new record for her.

"Wow. You look hot," Caitlyn commented.

"I'm so fucking nervous," I admitted.

"You'll be okay, trust me. Luke really likes you," Caitlyn assured me.

"I'm just being paranoid, like always," I sighed.

"Yes, you are. I bet Luke is probably doing the same thing as you, pacing around and talking about how he's so nervous," Caitlyn said.

He was going to be here in fifteen minutes, and I didn't know how to react when he got here. A knock on the front door scared me, and I was shaking nervously.

"I'll get it, and I'll tell you when to come out of the room okay?" Caitlyn walked out of my room, and she greeted Luke at the door.

"Cel! Come out here!" Caitlyn called to me. I guess that was my cue. I walked out to the living room, where Luke and Caitlyn were standing. Luke's eyes were wide and I think he was even drooling.

"Mouth closed, eyes up, Hemmings," I smirked and gave him a small hug.

"You look amazing," he whispered in my ear.

"Okay, quick kiss for the camera, and you can go," Caitlyn held up her phone, ready to snap a picture.

Luke and I agreed to do so, so I kissed him passionately. It felt good to have someone care about me like this. No one has ever cared about me like Luke has.

"Okay, that's long enough. Now go!" Caitlyn shooed us out the door.

"So where to?" I asked.

"Surprise," Luke answered, opening the car door for me. I got in and buckled my seatbelt.

"You're do difficult," I laughed.

"Always," he agreed.

"Tell me?" I begged.

"No," he laughed.

I huffed and crossed my arms in defeat. He drove us to a small but really fancy looking place.

"Luke, I'm not dressed for this," I worried.

"Don't worry, it's not as fancy as it looks. And I'm not either," he shrugged, holding the front door for me.

"Thank you, Mr. Hemmings," I giggled and he followed me inside.

"Call ahead for Luke," he told the host.

"Right this way," he led us to the outside deck, and we were the only ones.

"Surprise," Luke smiled, watching me admire the scenery.

"You didn't," I stared at the scenery in awe.

"I did. I rented the back patio just for us," Luke explained. "You like it?"

"I love it. Luke, you really didn't have to," I replied.

"I only want the best for you," he smiled again, blushing maybe a little bit. "Oh, and I hired some live music."

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