Chapter 40- You & I

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Song for this chapter: You & I- One Direction


Caitlyn's POV:


I abruptly stopped, and turned around slowly. I didn't think this day would come. He's awake, he's alive.

"Ashton?" I rushed back to his bedside.

He looked up at me with those bright green eyes, and I smiled, letting happy tears fall down my cheeks.

"You're alive," I whispered.

"I held on just for you," he gave me a weak smile.

His voice was raspy, so I gave him some of the water I grabbed on the way up.

"Much better," he coughed.

I stood up and peeked my head out the door. I recognized a nurse, so I called her over.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No. I think you should come in and see this," I opened the door just enough to where she could get inside.

Her jaw dropped when she saw that Ashton was awake. She went over to the side of his bed, and started asking him questions.

"He seems to be doing very well, we just need to keep him a little longer for observation," the nurse smiled at me.

"Thank you," I smiled back at her and she left.

I sat back down in the chair next to his bed, and held his hand.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to wake up," he told me.

"You don't know how long I've waited for you to wake up," I started to cry happy tears again.

"You know, I was right beside you almost all the time, you just didn't know it," Ashton said.

"How?" I wondered.

"In the many dreams I had, I would be wherever you were, and in a few, I would touch you on the shoulder," he replied.

"That was you?" My eyes went wide.

"Yeah," he nodded.

We sat there for almost the rest of the day, talking and laughing. I really missed this, being able to talk to him like this.

"How's the baby?" He asked.

"Doing just fine. I just went to an appointment a few days ago. Once we leave for New Zealand, a doctor out there will be able to tell if it's a boy or girl," I explained.

"That's great," he smiled.

"I've missed this. I've missed talking to you," I looked down at my lap.

"Me too," Ashton agreed.

I was still trying to process what was happening. This can't be real. But I'm glad it happened. I was just beginning to get stronger, and this boosted my self esteem a lot.

"How are the boys?" He asked.

"Great. Calum and Penny went on their fourth date a few days ago," I informed him.

"I always knew they would date," Ashton laughed.

There's that giggle that I missed. His voice. His eyes. Just listening to him talk makes my day.

"Celeste and Luke are still the adorable gross couple, like they have been," I told him.

"Adorable gross couple?" Ashton gave me a weird look.

"They're adorable, but they make out too much," I explained.

"That is way too true," he agreed.

"Speaking of them, should I call them?" I wondered.

"Tomorrow. It's already late, why don't you just stay?" Ashton suggested.

"I would love that," I smiled.

Celeste's POV:

"Caitlyn's not in her room," I told Luke, who was waiting on the balcony.

"Where would she have gone?" He asked.

"Maybe the hospital?" I suggested.

"Maybe. It would be the first time in two weeks," Luke nodded.

"We should go see Ashton," I mumbled.

"Do you want to? We can," Luke questioned.

"Yeah, let's go," I nodded.

We walked out of the room and out in the hallway. I hit the button on the elevator and it opened immediately. We stepped in, and it was a very silent trip to the lobby.

I called a taxi and told the driver to drive to the hospital. Luke and I didn't even talk the whole way there, both of us get uneasy when going to the hospital.

The driver pulled up to the hospital and Luke paid him. We got out and went up to the front desk.

"Hi, we're here to see Ashton Irwin?" Luke told the front desk lady.

"Go right ahead," she smiled at us.

Even though it was late, we decided that visiting Ashton was best, because we were both feeling a little down.

We walked inside Ashton's room, and discovered that not only our hunch was right, but Caitlyn was cuddled up to Ashton, a big smile on her face. Ashton was awake with his arms wrapped around her.

"Well, someone forgot to call us," I broke the silence.

"Hey guys," Caitlyn greeted us.

"Hi. When did this happen?" Luke asked.

"A few hours ago maybe? I have no sense of time right now," Ashton shrugged.

"How are you feeling?" I wondered.

"Better. My side hurts, and I'm unbelievably tired, but I'm good," he replied.

"You slept for almost three months, and you're tired?" Luke raised and eyebrow.

"Yeah. I'm tired as fuck," Ashton nodded.

"That's odd, but I would expect that coming from you. You're not exactly normal," I laughed.

"I can agree with that," Caitlyn nodded, laughing with me.

"I'm just happy you're okay," Luke sighed.

"Me too," I nodded.

"I had to wake up, for all of you guys. Hopefully we can continue the tour soon. I should only be here for a day or two, then we're off to New Zealand," Ashton explained.

"Yeah. The fans were upset that we had to cancel, but I told them why, and they understood," Luke said.

"That's why I love our fans," Ashton smiled.

A nurse came in to give Ashton some medicine and take him off of life support, he doesn't need it anymore. I'm glad he was back to normal now, and not relying on a machine to live.

"We should get going, it's late," Luke told me.

"I agree. Well, we'll see you guys later, whenever that is," I agreed.

"Bye guys! We'll probably be back tomorrow," Caitlyn waved.

"See you guys," Ashton copied Caitlyn by waving.

We left his room, feeling happier. Happier to know that our best friend was awake, alive, whatever you wanted to call it. He's not on life support, and he's not in a coma. That's a great feeling. The boys are in need of a concert, they're going a bit crazy.

I'm just glad to have one of my closest friends back, and an amazing boyfriend by my side.




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