Chapter 30- Freedom in your eyes.

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Song for this chapter: Cop Car- Keith Urban


Caitlyn's POV:

Fucking hell.


I was officially having Ashton's child.

He'll be so mad, I'm scared.

"Celeste!" I called out. It sounded more afraid than I wanted it to.

"Caiti? Are you okay?" She slowly opened the door to the tour bus bathroom.

"No," I shook my head.

"What's the matter?" She worried, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Look," I pointed to that fucking test.

"Caiti," Celeste's expression went from worried to surprised.

"I'm scared, Cel. What will Ashton say? What if this causes a break up between us? What if he leaves me?" I worried.

"Caitlyn, pull yourself together. You'll get through this. Ashton will not leave you, I promise. Sure, he'll be overwhelmed, but he won't leave," Celeste assured me. "I wouldn't lie to you."

"I just don't know how to tell him. He's been worried about me being sick, and he wants to know why. Here's the fucking reason," I blinked and tears came running down my cheeks.

"Throw that test away. The boys have a show tonight, and it's just us girls in the bus. Angie and Penny are dying to go see a movie, why don't we go to the cinema?" Celeste suggested.

"That's a good idea. The boys won't be upset if we don't go to the show?" I wondered.

"They'll get over it. I'll text Calum and tell him that we're not gonna make it tonight, they won't mind," Celeste nodded.

"Thanks, Cel. Should I tell the girls?" I mumbled.

"Maybe after you tell Ashton," Celeste answered.

"Okay. Let's go to the cinema," I smiled.

"There's the Caitlyn I know and love," Celeste smiled back and I threw that awful test away.

Celeste's POV:

I'm excited but surprised by the news. I'll be an aunt. The boys will basically be uncles. Ashton will be a father. Oh God.

I texted Calum, letting him know that we weren't gonna make it to the show.


Hey, the girls and I won't make it to the show tonight, Caitlyn isn't feeling good. I want to make sure she's okay. Hope you guys understand. :)

He replied within minutes.


That's ok, I'll let the others know. Hope Caiti gets better :(


"Girls! We're going to the cinema!" I called out to the others.

"Yes!" Angie and Penny said in unison.

I freshened up a bit before we made our way down the street. We didn't care what we saw, so I let Angie pick the movie. We got two large popcorns and two large sodas, and made our way into the theatre.

My phone lit up with a text message, and it's from the last person I wanted to talk to.

From: Luke

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