Chapter 38- Don't wanna be too late.

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Song for this chapter: Too Late- 5 Seconds of Summer


Celeste's POV:

Three weeks.

It's been three weeks since Ashton's been in the hospital. Caitlyn has gone into a deep depression, and won't even come out of her room.

I've tried to get her to at least come to dinner with the rest of us, but she just shakes her head and shoos us off.

I'm worried about her. I mean, she can't be stressing like this too much. I'm also afraid of what she might be doing behind that closed door, I don't want her to start self harming.

I made that mistake, and I don't want her to do what I did. I've been clean for almost two months and I'm not breaking that streak now.

"I'm hungry," Luke whined. He was on his phone, playing some random game.

"Get food then," I told him.

"We don't have any," he pointed out.

"Tough luck then," I shrugged.

"Celeste," he said.

"Fine. Call the others and tell them we're going out," I huffed and gave in.

"Yay!" He jumped up and dialed Michael's number.

I decided to try to get Caitlyn out of her room. I didn't know how well it would work, but at least I should try.

"Caiti?" I asked once she picked up.

"Hey, Cel," she greeted me.

Her voice was the same, groggy and quiet. She wasn't the normal, loud Caitlyn that everyone knew and loved.

"We're going to dinner, would you want to join?" I wondered, asking as calmly as I could.

"No, I'm okay. I'll just order room service if I get hungry," she replied.

"I'm starting to worry about you, Cait, you're scaring me," I muttered.

"I'm sorry. I have to go okay? I'll see you later," she hung up.

I was starting to wonder why she didn't want to talk to me. Usually if we were upset, we would rant, cry, or yell just to get it off our chest. Then the other would comfort the upset one.

That's how we used to work. That's how we became best friends. Now, she's avoiding everyone. She won't talk to Luke, Michael, or Calum, and she'll just ignore Angie and Penny.

I've been over a few times to visit Ashton. He still looks the same, an it hurts me. But what hurts me even more is that Caitlyn is depressed, and she could possibly be harming herself.

"Michael said to meet them in the lobby in five minutes," Luke informed me.

"Great," I faked a smile.

"Celeste," he gave me a stern look.

"What?" I asked.

"I know something's up. Did you try to ask Caitlyn to go?" He wondered.

"Yeah, no luck," I nodded.

He sat on the edge of the bed next to me and held my hand.

"Listen, Caitlyn will get through this. Ashton will wake up. Everything will be okay. I know you like to focus on others before you, but for now, worry about yourself," Luke whispered.

"But, my dad always told me that if I thought of myself first that I'm selfish," I mumbled.

"Baby, you are not selfish. Trust me, I'm probably more selfish than you'll ever be," Luke assured me.

"Thanks, Luke. Now, let's go eat," I jumped up with a smile on my face. A real one.

"That's my girl," he smiled and we walked hand in hand to the elevator.

Once we got down to the lobby, Michael and Angie were waiting for us. Calum and Penny were no where to be seen.

"Took you long enough," Michael huffed.

"Sassy are we?" I rolled my eyes.

"Correction, I'm hungry," Michael said.

Penny and Calum walked out of the elevator, laughing. Probably at something Calum said. He's a pretty funny guy.

"Let's go eat," Angie shot up out of the chair.

"Food," was all I said.

"I like this girl," Angie and I high-fived.

"Where's my high-five?" Michael asked Angie.

"You don't get one," Angie replied.

"Fine. I have Luke then," Michael ran to Luke's side and I just laughed.

"He's no fun, just warning you," I winked at Luke.

"Hey," Luke fake pouted.

"I totally ship Muke though," Angie said jokingly in a high pitched voice.

"Oh my gosh like me too," I copied her voice.

Everyone else just laughed at us for being the fangirls that we are.

"I like Lueste better than Muke, to be honest," Luke cut in.

"Secret fangirl much?" I teased.

"I came up with the name myself," Luke declared proudly.

"I see that," I nodded.

"You love it. Come on, don't deny it," Luke's arms wrapped around my waist.

"I do love it," I admitted.

"See? It's a perfect name," Luke laughed.

That laugh though. Ugh, hormones.

We finally get to the restaurant and Michael immediately orders his food. Penny hasn't said a word all night, I wonder what's up with her.

Ashton's POV:

This dream was different than all my others. It wasn't Caitlyn crying, or being locked up in her room. It was a restaurant, and at first I couldn't figure out why I was here.

Then I saw them. My friends, band mates, whatever you want to call them. I feel bad for making them cancel the tour, but they can't do a tour with out a drummer right?

Celeste and Luke were still the same adorable couple, and Michael and Angie were too. Calum and Penny were cute too, but it was funny how he was so awkward and nervous around her.

I didn't know why I was here, and not with Caitlyn.

Maybe I was here to realize something, to see something that will wake me up from this nightmare. So far, I couldn't see why I was here.

I saw Luke and Celeste being all coupley, and cute, like they always were, and that's when it hit me.

That's what Caitlyn and I had, before this happened. Before I was in a hospital bed, clinging to life by a thread. Before I was relying on hospital machines to live. We had something special. And I want that back.

Wake up, Ashton. This is all a dream, just wake up already.


Aye Muke is cute


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