Chapter 44- The stupid little things.

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Song for this chapter: Amnesia- 5 Seconds of Summer


Celeste's POV:

"Get up," someone smacked me with a pillow.

"No," I refused.

"Get up or I'll tickle you," I recognized the voice as Luke's.

"Remember what happened last time you even tried to tickle me? I ended up kicking you, really hard," I rolled over so I was facing him.

"I'm not afraid to tickle you again," Luke declared.

"Fine, fine. I'm up," I sat up slowly and took the blankets off me.

"We have a meeting with the wedding planner today. Your mum's picking us up in a half hour," Luke told me.

"I think it's cute that you're best friends with my mum," I giggled.

"Just get ready," he rolled his eyes.

I picked out my black long sleeved shirt with my favorite pair of jeans. I went in the bathroom and decided that I had enough time to take a quick shower before my mum got here. I quickly cleaned up and changed, then put my hair up into a ponytail, and only putting on a little makeup.

I walked out, and Luke was ready. He was on Twitter, I think, but I didn't really care to know.

"I'm thinking about making our engagement public," he looked up.

"That's a good idea. The fans deserve to know," I agreed.

"Awesome," he smiled.

Someone knocked on the door, and I knew it was my mum. Caitlyn got the door for me, with Ashlyn in her arms. Luke and I both stood up, and greeted my mum.

"So I'm not going to be that kind of mum and plan out your whole wedding for you, but as an early present, the studio is paying for everything. And I mean, everything. Wedding dress, a tux, bridesmaids dresses, everything," My mum explained.

"You really don't have to, Monica," Luke said.

"It's my treat," my mum only smiled.

"Well thank you," I told Mum.

Luke and I got in the backseat while my mum drove, stopping at a house on the way.

"Luke, I forgot to tell you, your mum wanted to join us in the meeting," my mum informed him.

"That's fine," Luke nodded.

My mum got out of the car and up to the front door, while Luke and I stayed in the car.

"How come you've never introduced me to your mum?" I asked.

"I honestly have no idea," he shrugged.

"I can't wait to meet her," I held his hand and he only smiled at me.

Mum walked back to the car along with, who I'm guessing, was Luke's mum.

"You must be the famous Celeste I keep hearing about. Luke never shuts up about you," Luke's mum greeted me when she got in the car.

I looked over at Luke and I saw him look down at his lap, blushing, which was extremely adorable.

"And you must be Liz," I shook her hand and she nodded.

"It's great to meet you. Luke, how come I've never met her before?" Liz asked Luke.

"I just asked him that, I'm kind of curious too," I said.

"I don't know, really. I've been meaning to introduce you guys, but I never got around to it I guess," Luke replied, making me lean my head on his shoulder.

"You two are the cutest," Liz smiled and turned around to face the front.

My mum and Liz started to talk, and Luke and I just sat there, wrapped up in each other's embrace. I started to think about our future, and what it would hold. I know the boys would still be a band, but I meant for our relationship. Would we want to start a family? Would I tour with him or stay here? The questions are endless.

I felt Luke kiss the top of my head, and I relaxed. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing. This wedding will be perfect, and once it's over, I will officially be able to call myself Celeste Hemmings. That sounds really good, now that I think of it.

We arrived at the wedding planners, and everyone got out of the car.


"So you must be the bride and groom," a lady greeted us inside the door.

"That we are," Luke nodded.

"I'm Pam. I'll be helping you arrange your big day," we each shook the lady's hand.

She led us back to her office, where Luke and I took a seat, and my mum and Liz stood behind us.

"To start off this meeting, I would like you to tell me what you want for this wedding," Pam sat down at her desk.

"Well, we were thinking that because we both like the color blue, the color scheme would be different shades of blue," I explained.

"Great start. Now, do you have a date in mind? Just tell me a month, and I'll see when there's an opening," Pam told us.

"We were thinking mid-June, if that's okay," Luke replied.

"I have a few openings on the fifteenth, twentieth, and twenty-second," Pam informed us.

I looked at Luke, and he told me that I should pick the date. I chose the twentieth, which Luke seemed to be fine with.

"Tell me your idea of a dream wedding," Pam sat with her hands folded on her desk.

"Luke, you first," I nodded to him.

"Celeste and I have really been talking over the past few days, and we both really like the idea of a backyard wedding, nothing huge," he explained.

"Those have always been my favorite," Pam smiled.

"That's what my mum's was, and just by seeing the pictures, I knew that I wanted one when I was older," I told Pam.

"We are off to a great start with the planning. Celeste, I assume your mum told you about the money arrangements?" Pam questioned.

"She has," I nodded.

"Perfect. Well, the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday next week, at noon. See you then," Pam waved, giving us a small smile.

Luke and I walked out of her office, hand in hand, both smiling. Liz and my mum followed, talking among themselves.

"I can't wait," Luke whispered.

"Me neither," I agreed.

Luke surprised me by lifting me up bridal style and running to the car. I started giggling uncontrollably, and he only smiled.

"I'm only practicing," he told me.

"For what?" I wondered.

"For when I carry you down the aisle."



Only 1 chapter left, then the epilogue. *sigh*


I'm now accepting edits! It can be Lueste (Luke & Celeste), Caishton (Caitlyn & Ashton), Angel (Angie & Michael), or Cenny (Calum & Penny) edits.

Celeste: Ashley Benson

5SOS: Themselves

Caitlyn: Shailene Woodley

Angie: Vanessa Hudgens

Penny: Victoria Justice

You can send those edits to me to my email. Send me a private message if you wish to email them to me.


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