Chapter 32- Here we go again.

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Song for this chapter: Boy- Little Mix


Celeste's POV:

"Have fun out there, Mikey," Angie smiled at Michael, and he smiled right back.

I felt hands on my waist and immediately knew it was Luke.

"What do you want, Lucas?" I joked.

"Ah, I was hoping you would've forgotten that name by now," he laughed.

"It'll always be my nickname for you," I smiled.

"Do I get any good luck or a kiss maybe?" Luke asked.

Cheeky, are we?

"Nah, I'll let you go on stage without one, you'll be fine," I shrugged.

"You're no fun," he pouted.

"Go, you have a show to do," I tried to push him off me.

He surprised me by bringing his lips to mine and running off towards the stage, laughing his ass off.

"I stole a kiss!" He shouted.

"Lucas Hemmings!" I called after him, laughing. "You sneaky little shit!"

He started laughing hysterically and attacked me in a hug.

"Cheeky tonight are we?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I guess you can say that," he shrugged, kissing my cheek and running on stage.

He was being weird. I guess he's just pumped for the show, after all, it will be the biggest show they've played for the tour.

I found the girls and our seats, making it on time for the first song.

"Hey, we're 5 Seconds of Summer!" Michael yelled.

The crowd screamed in response.

"I'd like to ask Celeste Tucker to come up on stage, Luke has something planned," Ashton said.

"As you all know, Celeste and Luke did split, and they never got back together. They've been split up for five months, and I know some of you were upset about it. But Luke has a surprise that you guys might like. So Celeste, come on stage please," Calum explained, looking straight at me.

I made my way up there, waving at a few fans on the way. "What's going on?"

"You'll see," Michael answered.

Luke was nowhere to be found and I looked around, confused. I heard the fans scream loudly and I became even more confused. Hands covered my eyes and I took a wild guess at who it was.

"Lucas, I know that's you," I smirked.

"Obviously it's me," he laughed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, putting my hands over his.

"Turn around," he instructed.

He uncovered my eyes and I turned around. I gasped and my eyes widened at the sight.

Luke was standing on stage, in a tuxedo, smiling like the dork he was.

"What is all this?" I asked.

"This is for you," he smiled.

He pulled out a box and opened it. It was a charm bracelet. The charms were pictures of us when we were together.

"Celeste, be my girlfriend, again?" He asked into the microphone, giving me his signature smile.

I nodded and I felt happy tears flow down my cheeks. I kissed him and he lifted me off the ground. When he put me down, he put the bracelet on me.

"It's beautiful, Luke," I smiled.

"I'm glad you like it," he smiled right back.

"Correction, I love it," I said.

"You're welcome to stay on stage, but I think the girls want you to sit with them," Luke pointed in the direction of the girls.

I nodded and gave him a quick kiss. The fans cheered, and on my way back to my seat, a few shouted to me.

"That was so sweet!" Angie exclaimed when I got back to my seat.

"I definitely wasn't expecting that," I confessed.

"Me neither, but it was sweet," Caitlyn smiled.

I looked down at the bracelet and smiled. It had pictures of us on our first date, and few random selfies that we took. He was adorable, and I couldn't believe all that had happened.


"Great show, guys," I commented when we met them back stage.

"Thanks, Cel. The beginning was my favorite," Luke came up behind me for the third time that night.

"Mine too," I whispered.

I kissed him, not caring who was watching at the time.

"SAVE IT FOR THE HOTEL ROOM," Michael called out to us.

"Shut up, Michael!" Luke shouted back to him.

We all left together, and headed back to the hotel.

"All right, we're calling it a night," Caitlyn leaned on Ashton.

"Us too," Penny agreed. Her and Calum went up to their room, and Michael and Angie did the same.

Caitlyn and Ashton went up to their room, so Luke and I did the same.

"I'm tired," Luke plopped down at the bed.

"Go shower, you smell nasty," I joked.

"Hey, that wasn't nice," he crossed his arms.

"Neither is that smell, so go shower," I retorted jokingly.

"Fine," he huffed, making his way to the bathroom. I laid down on the bed and scrolled through Twitter lazily. All the boys tweeted about what Luke did tonight at the concert, so I decided to tweet too.

I took a picture of my bracelet and attached it to a tweet.

"@CelesteTucker: I love what @Luke5SOS got for me :) It's gorgeous, and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend<3"

A bunch of fans commented on how sweet that was or how beautiful the bracelet was. I saw that Luke replied, and I didn't even want to know how he was on Twitter when he was supposed to be showering.

"@Luke5SOS: Not as gorgeous as you, baby<3 love you, and I'm glad you like your present."

I closed twitter and shut my phone off. I changed into pajamas and climbed into bed. I heard the bathroom door open, and seconds later the bed sank, signaling that Luke was laying next to me. I pretended to be asleep, but he didn't buy it.

"I know you're awake, Cel," his arm wrapped around me.

"I know," I smiled, and turned over to face him. His hair was down and sticking to his forehead. "Aw your hair is so cute." I ruffled it up.

"Stop it, I like my hair," he smacked my hand away.

"I do too," I ruffled it up again.

"Go to sleep," he laughed.

I turned over and his arm wrapped around me again. He kissed the top of my head, and that's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.


Relationship goals right there.


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