Chapter 34- Come Home

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Song for this chapter: Beside You- 5 Seconds of Summer


Luke's POV:

"Sam? As in her friend back in Sydney?" I asked.

"Yes, him," Michael nodded.

"Fuck!" I shouted. I should've gone with Celeste, I should've been there to guard her. Now her and Caitlyn are missing, and Ashton and I are slowly losing our minds.

"He has Caitlyn too," Ashton guessed.

"It would only make sense," Penny agreed.

"But there's one problem," I pointed out.

"And what's that?" Calum wondered.

"We don't know where the fuck they are!" I snapped.

"Luke, calm down, we'll get them back," Michael assured me.

"Let's just find out where Sam went with them," I sighed.

Caitlyn's POV:

Two men stood next to me as I struggled to get up. My hands and feet were tied to a chair, and my mouth had duct tape over it. I didn't want to try anything, since these men were armed.

I wanted to scream, and run away from this place, but the rope and duct tape made it difficult to do so.

I hope Ashton isn't too worried. Oh who am I kidding, he's probably pacing back and forth and frantically looking for me.

"Caitlyn," a deep voice said. I looked around and a tall, muscular man appeared. "How nice of you to join us."

I attempted a scream, but it sure didn't sound like one.

"Get that tape off her mouth," the man ordered the two men standing beside me. They ripped the tape off and I took a deep breath.

"Get the fuck away from me," I spat.

"Now, Caitlyn, don't be like that," the mysterious man came towards me.

"Who are you?" I hissed.

"The name's Sam. Perhaps you've heard of me," he answered, giving me a sly smile.

"Fucking hell," I rolled my eyes.

Sam. Celeste's friend from Sydney. Of course he would kidnap me, I never got a good feeling about him.

"Where's my boyfriend?" I demanded to know.

"Your boyfriends safe, and out of harms way. Celeste on the other hand, not so much," Sam answered.

Two other men brought in a girl, her mouth taped shut and her arms and legs tied together.

"Celeste," my eyes widened at the sight.

She looked at me, petrified.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

"Luke is with Ashton. They're fine. For now at least," Sam smirked.

"You asshole, don't you fucking dare lay a hand on them!" I shouted.

He surprised me by slapping me hard on the cheek. It hurt like hell, but I tried not to pay attention to it at all.

The tape was ripped off Celeste's mouth, and she gasped for air.

"Sam, what do you want with me?" She asked.

"You should've known I was dangerous, honey," Sam answered.

"Fuck you!" Celeste spat.

"Let us go!" I yelled.

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