Chapter 36- Never let it go.

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Song for this chapter: Lose Yourself- Eminem


Luke's POV:

I replayed all the events of today in my head. Caitlyn and Celeste were kidnapped by Sam, Celeste's friend from Sydney, then Ashton and I stepped in.

Ashton started shooting, even though he had no idea what he was doing, so I followed. He ended up hurt, but we saved the girls.

Wow, what an eventful day it was.

Celeste and I just left the hospital, and were on our way back to the hotel.

"We're going to have to call off the tour until Ashton's better," I pointed out.

"Yeah. I'll call my mum, explain everything, and she can call off the tour," Celeste agreed.

We got back to the hotel, and the lobby was completely empty.

"I'm hungry," I complained.

"Let's go to that restaurant right there," Celeste suggested, pulling me towards a nice little diner in the hotel.

The host seated us, and we sat there in silence, looking at the menu. I didn't know what was going through Celeste's mind right now, but I didn't question it. She's been through enough today.

I looked up and saw that she had her head in her hands. I heard muffled sobs and got up to sit next to her.

"What's wrong?" I worried.

"It's my fault," she cried.

"What is?" I asked.

"Ashton getting hurt. It was all my fault," she mumbled.

"No. No, Cel, it wasn't your fault. Some people are fucked up enough to do things like that," I assured her.

"You don't understand," she muttered.

"I know I don't understand. But I promise that he'll get better, you just have to stay positive," I rubbed her back in hopes to comfort her a little bit.

She didn't say anything, instead she just wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled into me.

"You always know what to say," she whispered.

"I don't even know how. I'm the worst when it comes to comforting people," I shrugged.

"Bullshit, Luke," she shook her head.

Caitlyn's POV:

I was still sitting in Ashton's room, and he was still in the same condition. The doctors hadn't come in at all, so I just sat here, looking at him.

His curly hair was all matted and messy, and there was definitely not a smile on his face. He was cold, and I hated that.

I can't really blame anyone except for Sam. Celeste thinks that this is her fault, but I would never blame her. She's just as traumatized as I am right now, and she's also my best friend. I could never blame her for my boyfriend being shot.

A nurse came in to check up on everything, and gave me a small smile.

"How are you holding up?" She asked me.

"Great," I forced a smile.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She wondered.

"Yeah. And the father of my unborn child," I nodded.

"Congratulations," she smiled.

"Thanks," I gave her a smile back.

She waved and left the room, and it was just me and Ashton again. I moved to the recliner next to his bed and laid down in it.

The doctors told me that I could stay, only if I wanted to, but come on, what kind of question is that? Of course I want to stay.

I want to be here when he wakes up. I want to be here when he opens his bright green eyes and flashes his signature smile again.

I grabbed the blanket the nurse left for me and pulled it up to my neck. I just hope that Ashton wakes up soon.

Celeste's POV:

Well, today was very eventful day. You know what they say, shit happens, and shit did happen today.

I was currently in bed and Luke was in the shower. I scrolled through my twitter timeline and saw a bunch fans tweets.

I decided to tweet to the 5SOS family, you know, just because I can.

"@CelesteTucker: Hey guys, haven't talked to any of you for a while... A bunch of weird shit has been happening lately, and I apologize :( if you DM me, I might reply, you can ask me anything, or we can just chat :)"

I locked my phone and heard the bathroom door open. Luke walked out, wearing sweats and no shirt. Um, does he know how distracting that is?

I didn't realize I was staring until he caught me and smirked.

"Like what you see?" He said.

"Cheeky," I laughed.

"You didn't answer my question," he pointed out.

"Yes, I do like what I see, very much. I'm sorry, but you don't know how distracting it is when your boyfriend's not wearing a shirt," I answered.

"And you don't know how distracting it is when your girlfriend's wearing your shirt," he got in bed, pulling the covers over him.

"So I'm guessing you like it when I wear your clothes?" I smirked.

"I do, very much actually," he nodded.

"Good to know," I raised an eyebrow.

"Please don't do that either," he mumbled.

"Do what?" I wondered.

"The eyebrow thing. It's seriously driving me crazy," he replied.

"Well, I'm sorry," I rolled my eyes.

Ashton's POV (MWHAHAHA):

(Please note that he's imagining this and is still asleep.)

I walked into the mysterious nameless building, and looked around. So white and sterile. Someone told me to head up to this room, so I did.

What I saw, I was not expecting. I saw Caitlyn, sitting next to a hospital bed and crying. Then there was me, asleep and not moving at all.

Caitlyn was holding my hand and talking to me, even though I couldn't hear her. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

She gasped and put her hand over mine. She didn't look back at me, instead, she kept staring at her lap.

"I love you, Ashton," Caitlyn crying into her hands.

"I love you too," I whispered, knowing that she couldn't hear me.

"This is my fault," she muttered.

She can't blame herself for this. This was my choice, to save her. If saving her meant risking my life, I would do it all over again.

Then the room faded to white, then to black, leaving me in an empty darkness.




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