Chapter 4: Work of Art

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Lydia moved away. She just started at our school in September, but now she's left and I am back to having no friends. She said that her family moves a lot and always has because her dad has a hard time keeping a job. I guess I'll deal with it the way I deal with all life's problems; hide from it until it goes away.

I've been working on decorating my arms more and more frequently. Both forearms are almost completely full of cuts. I'm running out of space. I think I'll move to my thighs next. The cutting is the only thing getting me through each and every day, well, that and Demi Lovato. But, it's hard to find her. I have to find ways to sneak on the computer and watch videos of her, there's no other way. Yes, I'm 13 and don't have a phone. The foster system doesn't see it as a necessity.

Everyday has just been more and more painful. Like one of Demi's songs says, "life is a work of art", and mine just happens to be a mess at the moment. I hope it will get better, when I meet Demi Lovato. This is my biggest hope, something I want even more than to get adopted, which I've already given up on.

Meeting Demi would be like meeting the one and only person stopping me from killing myself on the spot; she's the person who keeps me alive. She has no idea that I even exist, but without her I wouldn't be alive right now, they'd probably be planning my funeral... if only meeting her was a possibility.

That evening, I get a chance to be on the computer, for "homework". I watch Demi Lovato videos, then see that she's going on a tour this coming February 2018. I look at where she's all performing, then see it, she's coming to Las Vegas on March 3rd! I live about 2 miles outside Las Vegas and if I could afford it, I would go, but I can't. Still, I'm going to find a way, it's my only hope.

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