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{Jordan created a new chat called: Guy's Listen Up!}
{Jordan added Matt, Aron, Jorel, Jeff, Dylan and George.}

Jordan: GUYS! Listen up! 

George: What's up? Something important happen? If it's something to do with Matt then I'm out.

Jeff: George shush, This could be important!

Aron: Doubt it. 

Jordan: Ugh, You guy's are dicks. It's not about Matt. Though I wish it was. But any way's did you see a shit ton of poster's dotted around the school?

Aron: No? 

George: Lemme guess. More "Take care of the school." Posters?

Jordan: No! Matt! tell 'em!

Matt: They're called "Battle Of The Band" posters. Basically anybody in the school who thinks they've got some talent can start a band compete and win! There's no information on what the prize is quite yet though. 

Aron: Oh my god... GUYS WE HAVE TO DO THIS!!!! 

George: AGREED! 

Matt: YES! Right i'll see ya at school then we can sign up! 

{Matt left the chat]

Jeff: Yeah i gotta go too moms telling me to get of my phone. See you at school!

{Jeff left the chat}

George: Hey if we win.... This may help us make our debut album! 

Aron: yes! right i gotta go see ya!

{Aron left the chat}

Jorel: Okay I just checked my phone. What's this about a battle?

George: we'll explain at school

Jorel: Alright... 

{Jorel left the chat}

Jordan: Oh wait where's Dyl?

George: I'm not sure. You did add him didn't you?

Jordan: yeah. is he ill?

George: No idea. im gonna go. See ya Jordan

{George Left the chat}

Jordan: Alright then! 

{Charlie left the chat}

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