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(this is the second part to lest have a battle)

"So I got my boots on, Got the right amount of leather And I'm doing me up with a black colour liner And I'm working my strut but I know it don't matter All we need in this world is some love" George tilted his head. this boy was actually pretty good. "damn... He's actually really good..." Danny nodded and looked at his phone. "do you wanna know something?" The others nodded and danny showed the a video. "he was a runner up on American idol" Dylan gasped and grabbed Danny's phone. "he wasn't?!!? wow... that's impressive.." Danny frowned and grabbed his phone. "I-I was on America idol too..." he mumbled. Jorel heard and smiled. "what place did you get then?" Danny thought for a second. "I dropped out... " Jorel frowned "why? your voice is amazing!" Danny sighed and looked down. "my mom said I needed to focus on school more.. i was slipping. my grades fell really quickly..." 

George thought for a second and whispered to Jorel, whose eyes widened. "love the idea George" Danny looked at Dylan who just shrugged and went back to spying on Adam lambert. "holy shit he kissed one of his band mates!" (proud Adommy shipper here)  the rest of the guys all looked in the classroom and went bright red. "uhm... that kinda got really sexual fast.." Danny looked away. why did everyone in this school have to obsessed with sex? "uhm shall we check that band 6 White lies?" Dylan nodded. "apparently the girl helped Jordan find Aron when he dissapred. and he was drunk..." Danny flinched. "I don't wanna meet him.." George looked at danny. "he's not like this normally.. I think the stress off this battles got to him" "or he's become a total dick" Dylan muttered walking off. 

Danny followed Dylan and pointed to a class room. "that's where 6 white lies practice." The boys all walked over and nudged the door open. "these guys have known each other for years apparently... oh and two of them are dating." Dylan looked in and stared. "what does it say on the girls top?" he pointed and danny tilted his head. "think it says My little pony..." George laughed slightly (just dissing my fave show right now ;-;) "she likes that? how old is she?" Danny shrugged. "makes her stand out from the crowd though.." 

"I never claimed to be perfect  My mistakes are all written in ink  None of us claimed to be perfect  And it's sad if that's what you all think " "oh shit that's not bad..." George said. "wonder how far they'll get" Danny shrugged. "depends on what the judges think" Danny looked at his phone again before speaking. "there's one more singer we could look at" "who?" "Simon Curtis" Danny pointed to the stairs. "apparently he practices in the old staff room. wanna go see?" Jorel looked at the others who all nodded. "sure why not best to check the whole competition.. wait do you know which groups are being judged by kids and whose being judged by the teachers?" danny pointed to a poster. "on there how have you not noticed these. they are every where!" George walked over and pulled the poster off. "you guys bunk lessons and yet you never see these posters?" 

"oh my god.... were being judged by the students... And so are you danny.." 

(whoohoo! another chappie done! next chapter the auditions!) 

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