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Hi guys!!! 

Okay a few things 

Bad News first: Due to some issues, The Crack book will be deleted very soon. {I'm so sorry}
And I'm officially finishing Our Last chapter. And shall be deleting the book at nine tonight (UK time)

BUT Good news! If you read the update in the book before it's gone [Or Because I'm nice you can read it here]

I was thinking, If you want too. You guys can write your own version of "Our next chapter."!!!

If your interested Here's the main info:

-No Deadline. Take as long as you like!!
-Please keep one thing i have used (Matt and Jordan's wedding, for example) In the book. and then... Make up anything you want! Or just finish what i wrote! (I'm keeping the book up just till tonight, so you can get the main bits down.)
-I ask for one other thing to be kept in: Please keep Jeff and Kevin's Love of comics book in. That's all i ask. Please! It's like... the one cute thing right now.


Any one's i like the most, will be featured in a special chapter at the end of the first book! (finished or not) And special mentions too!

Message me when if your taking part, you want me to read it, your finished or you'd like more info on this! , And I'll definitely give everyone's a read.

It'll also be put in a special reading list on my account! :) (The ones i like the most only though!!!)


Another competiton! 

A new book cover for this book! 

I'd like you guys to make some new covers! 

If you do make one send it to my Edit Instagram dexcole_syxamore (There will be a picture of Prussia from Hetalia and the bio has "I AM AWESOME!" in it." 

I'm giving you till the 1st of June to create a cover. 

so get started! 

{Note: You don't have to do both activities if you don't want to!)

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