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"aww! jorel got you flowers?!" Matt asked sitting down. Danny went red and looked away. "nooo" Matt put his drink down and smirked. "aww. is the little danny to embarrased?" Danny shook his head and Matt started laughing. "c'mon Danny please tell me!" Danny looked down and mumbled. "what was that?" "he brought me roses... and gave them to me while i was asleep"

"awww!!!!!! Jordan hasnt brought me anything like that yet.." jordan looked up hearing his name. "i do get you things matty!" Matt rolled his eyes and smirked. "when was the last time you took me on a date?" "two days ago..." Danny started laughing and Matt walked off. "oops.. better go and make sure hes ok jord..." Jordan sighed and walked upstairs. "wheres George?" Dylan asked walking in. 

"isnt he with you?" Dylan shook his head and sat down putting some paper down. "whats that?" Danny pointed to the paper and dylan slid it over to him. "some new lyrics. Whaddya think? oh and scuse me." Dylan got up and smirked. "WHO WANTS PIZZA?!" George appeared and walked over. "some one say pizza?" "there he is. sorry georgie no pizza here." Danny bit his lip trying not to laugh when George pouted. "these lyrics are amazing Dyl. hey george check what your kitty  wrote" 

Dylan went bright red when Danny handed george the sheet. "what should we call this song then?" Danny shrugged and walked to Dylans recording studio. "what about believe?" George nodded and put the paper down. "go get Jordan and matt and we'll go practice Lion a couple more times k?" Dylan nodded and ran upstiars. "Matty! Jordan! we need to go practice!" "ok! we'll be down in a few moments!" "lemme guess... you were just about to do it?" 



"I'm sorry daughter but your father's not the same I can look into your eyes and I'll swear that I will change But tomorrow is tomorrow so forgive me if I stay You can hide beneath the covers while I hide behind the pain"

George stopped and the guys stared at him. "George why'd ya stop?" "no I was just wondering... this is the second deep song we've sung in front of the judges.." "its is?" George nodded and leaned against the wall. "Hear me now was kinda deep... think about Danny's part." Danny smiled started singing his part 

"Where'd you go? Where's your home? How'd you end up all alone? Can you hear me now There's no light, there's no sound Hard to breathe, when you're underground Can you hear me now? Hear me now"

"see? 'how'd you end up all alone'? that's kinda deep." Dylan nodded and Jorel looked up. "I honestly think our music is unique.. cause we can sing things like no.5 and then we can sing something like this." "our music's fresh!" Danny said jumping up. "Danny say fresh again. it sounded really weird.." "fresh..." "I cant hear it now. ok lets just continue practicing."  

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