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Dylan looked at Matt, they had cleaned up his cuts and sorted him out but he was still passed out. it was kinda freaking Dylan out. "h-he is ok right George?" George nodded "yes Dyl he's fine got any message from the boys?" Dylan checked his phone "nope nothing.. what about you?" George shook his head and sighed, "they need to find him... we need to talk about what's happening... otherwise we-" George stopped. what would they do?  "we'd kick him out?" Dylan whispered startling George. "we cant kick him out weve known him for years he's basically our brother... " Dylan sighed. "but what if we had too? what if he hurts one of the boys?!?" George quickly hugged Dylan. "it wont come to that.. i promise" "but what if it does? this promise can easily be broken" 


Jordan sighed as he walked around town. there was still no sign off Aron. He kept walking not looking where he was going and bumped into someone. "hey! watch it asshole!" Jordan looked at the other person. "sorry i d- wait?! are you that lead singer of that band?" Jordan looked at the younger girl. "which band ya talking bout?" "6 white lies?" the girl nodded. "yep i am...oh and uhm i think i saw one of you're friends... he went to the abandoned  warehouse on the edge of town." Jordan froze. "really?! can you show me?" The girl hesitated. "my brother wants me home though look.." she showed him her phone showing him the message from her brother. "wait a second.." he grabbed her phone and quickly typed away before grabbing her arm. "hey! lemme go!" Jordan sighed. "Just show me where the warehouse is!" "fine!"

Jordan smiled and grabbed his phone texting Jorel. 

Jordan: Guess what!

Jorel: what? 

Jordan: i bumped into the girl from that band 6 white lies

Jorel: and? we're trying to look for Aron how does she fit into that?

Jordan: that's it! she found him! in that abandoned warehouse on the edge of town!

Jorel: well that's a fucking cliché if i heard one.. how do you know she's not trying to kidnap you?

Jordan: she's younger than me that would be impossible

Jorel: ya never know..

Jordan: Just get to the warehouse!


Jorel put his phone back in his pocket. "where is the warehouse anyways?" he got his phone out again and messaged Jordan. 

Jorel: where's the warehouse? 

Jordan: Right go to the  main road and keep following until you reach the outskirts of town and take a left. there will be a large building. we're there

Jorel: thanks. 

Jorel started running towards the main road. he kept following and finally reached the outskirts of town. He followed Jordan's instructions and finally reached the building.  "what is this place? how come weve never seen it?" he looked at the girl who shrugged. "dunno.. me and my brother came here to practice  when we first started as a band..." Jorel nodded. "ok... well thanks for showing us this place..." the girl nodded and ran off leaving the boys alone. "wait... should we have asked her to help us. we don't know this place" Jordan said.



(yep there's going to be a third part) 

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