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"Wow, you really scared her off," the waitress leaves in a hurry but Macy just laughs. "Thank you but anyway but what's been going on with you?" I felt that the more I tried to make conversation it always ended up dying somehow.

She takes a sip of her lemonade,"I've been great I guess but since you know I am a blunt fucking person. I need to ask- why did you decide to take me out?" my stomach felt like it just twisted into a knot. I don't even know if bringing up the topic is truly worth it anymore.

I cough a bit,"I wanted to talk about us and before you say anything please hear me out." I take a long pause. I needed to think what I was going to say first.

But we were interrupted,"Ethan is that you? Macy?" Cameron stops by our table greeting us. Macy and I were surprised seeing him here. "I'll talk to you guys later, my date is here," he smirks at me.

Now it was back to the topic but now I chose to pretend I didn't bring it up. She wasn't even looking at me anymore. "You were saying?" she brings up.

It's now or never. "I fucking miss you so much and you don't know how much it's killing me. I act like it doesn't bother me but you certainly aren't the only one with shit going on their life. I am struggling with myself. I notice how I continue to lose people but then I don't care because I want you only you." I said and she just sits there looking at me.

I wanted to scream how much it's hurting me then what I show. "We both fucked up but Ethan we can't be together. Problems after another. I won't lie but I do miss you. I don't want to go through the same shit again because it all hurt too much." she sniffles but doesn't look at me instead she takes another drink from her lemonade.

"Macy everything comes with pain in life," I say to her reaching out for her hands. I hold onto them and she doesn't let go when I do. "Please," I hold onto her hand a bit tighter.

"I don't know," she whispers back to me.


The car ride was silent the whole time. Her stop was finally here. She opens the door and says,"I'm sorry," and closes the door. That was my last try. She runs into her house and I drive away now leaving what we had behind.

"Fucking shit," I mutter and tap on the wheel at the same time. "I tried," I say to myself wanting to scream and drive back to her. But it's obvious she didn't want that anymore now I was the only one wanting it. It needs to be both sides for it to work.
I get home feeling crushed like if I were the unwanted candy no one liked. I walk in with my head hung low,"You okay?" Macy moms asked but I chuckle.

"Wouldn't you like to know," was all I said and go into my room looking for the bottle I drank with Macy that night. The night where it all began the games and fucking. But unfortunately it ended and it ends with my actually liking her.

I open the cap and just swallow it letting it burn my throat. It made me cough but made me not feel the pain I was feeling.

I don't understand why I can't get her out of my head. If I can put things in the back of my head why in the fuck am I struggling with her?

She's just my step-sister who I had a fling with. We just wanted sex and fun. That's all it was but no I had to be an idiot and fall for her.

"Ethan?" her mom walks in looked worried but I felt funny with all this drinking I was doing.

I keep drinking and she runs over to me and takes the bottle out of my hands."Give it back!" I growl but she didn't get scared.

She stands in front of me,"What's going on with you?" she asked

"The problem is I like your daughter but she doesn't want me anymore, I wonder why. But don't worry I'll give up because I know I'm not good enough for her like you remind me," I hold up a thumps up for her as I smile

She sighs feeling bad or pity because of my current state,"I'm sorry I said all that to you. I shouldn't belittle you I was scared that you would hurt her but it seems like she did," you're damn right she did.

"I hope you're happy mom," I smile but I wanted to cry. "Did you know that bottle started most of it?" I hiccup.

"Oh, Ethan you'll be okay," she pulls me in for a hug and I hug her back. I don't even know. I have been missing my mom for the longest especially now that I can't have the girl of my fucking dreams.

Like my mother would say,"It all happens for a reason so head up and live," a strong independent woman too bad God took her too soon. I didn't get to say goodbye and what sucks she didn't get to see me grow to my 18th birthday like she hoped to.

But now I was facing these problems on my own and I know my dad is someone I can count on but I want my mom. My dad was only help to my sport questions or issues with guys. With my mom I learned how to treat girls but that all went away when she died.

I am ready to change for Macy but I already gave up on her like she did on me. "Maybe, I'm not enough for Macy or I can't always make her happy because of the past that will always be brought up. But I do want to try something with her. Don't worry it won't happen because she gave up. I don't want to but I need to," she looks at me with pity

She fiddles her hands left to right and sighs real heavily,"You know it won't work anyway. It would break this family apart. I do want Macy to be happy but I don't think I would be okay with her being with you," and she walks out of the room with the bottle in her hand.



I dial my moms number and hope for her to pick up,"Hey Macy," she greets me. But I couldn't even get through to say hey because of my current break down. "Honey, what's wrong?" she sounds worried

I was unable to talk very well,"It's e-tha-n," I cry out

"Did he hurt you?" she asked scared.

I wipe my tears and bite the inside of my cheek. I stay quiet for a second to calm myself down,"No, I want to move on but I can't. I really miss him and I'm really trying here. It's too hard, I was doing so well but he treated me to dinner and was so sweet. We actually acted like a couple-," she hangs up


sorry i am late but school has been stressing out along with my quince practice. anyway so close to 300k!! i'll try to update during the weekend but i still don't have my phone. i still need to add malia on the cast list

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