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I walk in with the fresh high school air.

I hate my life. I walk to the main building and look for the office. I walk into a large area.

Office is labeled across the door that is completely open.

I go through the door. My mom come in after eyes were caught.

I seen a handsome boy. He was wearing a golf green sweater and black jeans with checkered vans. My kind of outfit. I would definitely wear that.

He walks over to me and smiles , he gives me his hand.

"Hey I'm marcel , you must be heaven, cause it looks like it. " I roll my eyes and smile. I shake his hand back.

"No actually I'm jiselle Perez " I say shaking his hand.

"MARCEL!!!!"a older lady from behind the desk yells at him. She looks maby 70 years old.

"Give the young women that your trying to hit on a tour of university high. Come on have some manors won't you. " she yell at him handing his a yellow vest.

My mom send me off with him. I look up pretending not to hear the previous conversation that he had with the older lady. My mom walks up to get more paper work.

"Come here let me show you around for a while" he says looking down at me.

I stand up and he then begins to lead the way. "Welcome to university high. Also known as unti high" then he shows me the trophies.

I look and see him on the soccer team. Varsity. "You play soccer to" I say with excitement.

"Duh , you think I have been living under a rock this whole time. " he says and smiles with his white pearly teeth. I smile. I pull out my phone and show his a video of me playing soccer.

"Wow your really good. We should hang out play soccer sometime soon. " he says to me.

"Definitely" I respond containing to look at the trophies.

"Come In you haven't even seen the field yet." He says pulling my arms.

I continue to walk with him. I see the green field and gasp. Then he pulls out a soccer ball. We played for like 45 minutes straight.

We went back inside laughing and talking. The bell rang and marcel introduced me.

"Aye guys this is Jiselle. She is new and amazing at soccer." Marcel tell them. I shake their hands and I smile and wave. I let my hair down and they all stared at me. I walk toward the office.

"I'll catch up with you guys later" marcel tells them. Then he lightly jogs to catch up to me.

"Hey where you going " marcel asked me.

I had to use the bathroom I told him. I walk toward the main office.

"Jiselle, is everything okay" marcel asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine I smile. I just need to use the bathroom. So if you'll excuse me." I say and close the bathroom door before he can say anything. I came out and he was waiting there.

"Okay stalker where are you taking me" I ask marcel while drying my hands with the brown paper towel.

"What do you want to see next " marcel asks.

I throw the paper towel in the trash can and then walk to the office.

"Hey mom is my schedule here yet" I ask her while marcel follows me.

"Hi I'm marcel " he introduced himself to my mom and shook her hand. "I'm Linda " she says shaking his hand.

I ask the little old lady that was yelling at marcel at least and hour ago and ask

"excuse is my schedule ready yet" she smiles and hands me a green piece of paper. Then sends me off with marcel again.

I walk with him. "Can I see your classes " he asked with his hand out. I give him the paper.

"We have all our classes together. Looks like I will really see you around. We just don't have elective together" he tells me. He then hands my schedule back to me and smiles.

"I have office , that where I do stuff like show you around help out in the office. " he looks around.

"Okay sounds cool." I say nodding my head.

"Then marcel gives me his phone". Let's play iMessage games later." He says handing me his phone.

I smile " I always win." I say as I put my number into his iPhone 7+.

He smiles back as I handed him his phone. " we have to see. " he says smiling back and putting his phone in his pocket.

We continue walking  and then he stumbled and if I wasn't there he would have hate shit. But I pulled his arm and started lightly laughing at him.

" I though I was clumsy. " I say trying not to laugh any harder. 

" this is a no bully school JISELLE. Stop bullying me. " he says laughing.

We laughed another 3 minutes longer. We walk to the science lab. Nobody was in there. Marcel puts on large goggles.

"Oh your cool" I tell him sarcastically.

I look around at all the pictures. Then I seen marcel getting ready to throw something at me. I turn around and caught it.

It was a pair of the goggles."now we can be twins."he tells me putting his goggles back on. I smile and chuckle a bit.

I put them on and laughed. I pull out my phone and we took a picture of us. "Say cheese " I tell him.we took the picture. We took the goggles off and headed to the next room.

This might not be that bad.  I say and smile to myself. I look at marcel and smile again.

"Your really something else" I tell him as he does a summer salt across the first hallway.

Marcel stands up and almost falls backward. I jog over a bit to help him walk.

"Wow I am VERY dizzy " he tells me as I help him walk. Then I saw him smile.

Hey first chapter to my new book. This book will be very good. I have been working on this book for a while so I hope you like it. Lots of love marcelians 😭💛

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