Secret visits

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Marcel and I have been seeing each other secretly. Jordan and Eva always ask about me and him and I just respond telling them that he has a girl. He went along with it. He always talked about me. But he used the name Amanda.

It was always Amanda is so perfect. Or he would be like I'm so happy with Amanda. He really loved Amanda. Then Jordan asked "when do meet Amanda. You have been talking about her for forever. " marcel then said.

"Very soon. Very soon. I just don't know if she is ready for that yet." He said eating his salad and looking at me.

The bell rang and I went to art with Jordan. "That Amanda girl sounds nice. You aren't jealous of her." Jordan asked me while walking to class.

"I don't mind it. Me and Steven are over and me and marcel are friends. Nothing much." I lie. Well I got myself into this.

Me and marcel walk home together everyday so when we walked home today that's when he finally asked me.

"When will you come out to Jordan and everyone. Cause what is this I love you jiselle and I want everyone to know that. So when can we make it real?" He stopped and asked me.

"Marcel I'm not ready for that. It's a huge thing to do. I have a lot of stress and now that we would be confirmed then how would I talk to Jordan cause she would be mad that I lied to her." I walked the rest of the way home alone because marcel didn't come after me.

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